What type of figurative language is this
“Your dads old school,
like an ol’ Chevette.”
Smilie, because it is comparing his dad to a car using like or as.
What is the tone of this text?
At the top of the key, I'm
POPping and ROCKING—
Why you BUMPING?
Why you LOCKING?
Man, take this THUMPING.
Be careful though,
'cause now I'm CRUNKing
and my dipping will leave you
G on the floor, while I
to the finish with a fierce finger roll ...
Straight in the hole:
exciting, this is because it is using words and a rhyme scheme that is trying to get you excited.
find the allusion in:
Jordan insists that everyone call him JB. His favorite player is Michael Jordan, but he doesn't want people to think he's sweating him.
Even though he is.
Micheal Jordan, because Micheal Jordan is a famous person that they are talking about.
What is josh bells brother’s name?
Jordan bell.
This is stated on page 11 “Jordan bell
my twin brother is a baller.”
Which word or phrase is used as refrain in this piece?
“If my hair were a tree
I'd dimb it.
I'd kneel down beneath and enshrine it.
Id treat it like gold and then mine it.
Each day before school
I unwind it.
And right before games
I entwine it.
These locks on my head,
I designed it.
And one last thing if you don't mind it:
That bet you just made?
It, this would be refrain because it is used at the end of every single line.
What type of figurative language is this?
“like a 747 ZOOM ZOOM”
onomatopoeia, this is because it is using the words zoom zoom to imitate a sound.
What is the tone?
after the game,
JB cackles like a crow.
He walks up to me grinning,
holds his hand out so I can see
the red scissors from Coach's desk smiling at me, their steel blades sharp and ready.
Intimidating, this is because it is talking about how JB cackles like a crow and crows are associated with being intimidating.
Find the smilie.
“Listen to that piano, fast and free, Just like you and JB on the court.”
Free, Just like you and JB on the court. This is because it is comparing JB to the piano Using like.
What does joshs dad need surgery for?
patellar tendinitis.
This is stated on page 47 “We open it. There are two letters.
The first letter reads:
Chuck Bell, the Los Angeles Lakers would like to invite you to our free-agent tryouts.
We open the other. It starts:
Your decision not to have surgery means that realistically, with patella tendonitis, you may not be able to play”
Which sound device is used here?(enjambment, refrain, rhymes scheme, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.)
“Not to be outdone,
JB revises the bet:
Okay, he says.
How about if you lose
I cut one lock
and if you win
I will moon
that nerdy group
of sixth-graders
that sit
near our table
at lunch?”
Enjambment because it causes you to keep reading without a pause.
What type of figurative language is this?
“The hoops for sale,
and im the buyer”
Metaphor, this is because it is comparing the hoop to something you can sell and himself to someone who is buying that hoop.
What is the tone
when JB's soft jumper sails
through the air.
The crowd stills, tick
mouths drop, tock
and when his last-second shot
hits the net
suspenseful, this is because it is using tick tock an this is like counting down seconds till something important happens.
Find the metaphor
I love this game like the winter loves snow even though I spent the final quarter in foul trouble on the bench. Jb was on fire and we won and I lost the bet
JB was on fire, this is because JB wasn’t actually on fire.
What does JB collect?
Air jordans.
This is stated on page “Evidence: He has one pair of Air Jordan sneakers for every month of the year
including Air Jordan 1 Low Barack Obama Limited Editions, which he never wears.”
What is the rhyme scheme shown here?
The hip-hop soundtrack blasts.
The bass booms.
The crowd looms.
There's music and mocking, teasing nonstop, but when the play begins all the talk ceases.”
what figurative language is this?
“His feet are the bank
and im the crook.”
metaphor, this is because it is comparing the opponent to a bank and how he is playing basketball.
What is the tone of this stanza?
”The gym is a loud, crowded circus.
My stomach is a roller coaster.
My head, a carousel.
The air, heavy with the smell of sweat, popcorn, and the sweet perfume of mothers watching sons.”
Excitement, this is because it talks about really exciting things like roller coasters and a circus.
Find the simile.
Now hes hail and blizzard.
His face, cold and hard as ice.
Cold and hard as ice. This is because his face wasn’t actually as cold and hard as ice.
How many locks does Josh have under his pillow?
This is stated on page 43 “And so each time I count the locks of hair
beneath my pillow
I end up with thirty-seven plus one tear, which never adds up.”
Which sound device is used here?(enjambment, refrain, rhymes scheme, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.)
“is make both shots to take the lead.
The first is up, UP, and—
CLANK!—it hits the rim.
The second looks... real... goo...
Onomatopoeia, this is shown when it says CLANK! This is onomatopoeia because it is imitating a sound.
What figurative language is this?
”Each lock lifting me higher and higher.”
Personification, this is because your hair can’t lift you and its comparing your hair to something a person can do.
What is the tone in these stanzas?
”an inch taller, with dreads to my neck. He gets his head shaved once a month. I want to go to Duke, he flaunts Carolina Blue. If we didn't love each other,
He has the better jumper, but I'm the better slasher. And much faster. We both pass well. Especially to each other.”
The tone in these stanzas is rivalry because its talking about josh and Jordan and how they are opposites and how they compete.
Find the hyperbole
JB answers, I'm the cool one who makes free throws, and I holler,
We both get laughs.
Some girl who we've never seen before, in tight jeans and pink Reeboks, comes up to the table.
JB's eyes are ocean wide, his mouth swimming on the floor.
Jb‘s eyes are ocean wide, this is because his eyes aren’t actually as wide as the ocean.
What is Josh's moms job?
assistant principle.
This is said on page 16 “Yeah, but your mom didn't come to ALL of your games, JB says.didn't come to ALL of your games, JB says. And she wasn't the assistant school principal either, I add.”
Which sound device is used here?(enjambment, refrain, rhymes scheme, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.)
“You did. And it was musical. Like the opening of Beethoven's Fifth.
Da da da duhhhhhhhhhh. Da da da duuuuuuuuunh.
Your shots whistled. Like a train pulling into the station. I expected you to make it. And you did.“
Onomatopoeia, because when it says da da da duhhhhhhh its a word thats imitating the sound of the piano.