The seed generating part of the plant, consisting of reproductive organs that are typically surrounded by coloured petals
What is a flower
The site of photosynthesis. Each one produced at a different angle to the others in order to maximise exposure to the sun
What is a leaf?
The transfer of pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts
What is pollination
Used to attract pollinators to the flower
What are petals
The part of the flax tupuna used for skin infections
What are the roots
A flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another plant
What is a seed
The reproductive structure of the plant. Their role is to attract pollinators, produce fruit and seeds
What is a flower
A process that starts when a seed absorbs water and begins chemical processes to begin growing into a plant
What is germination
Male part of the flower. Holds the anther upwards
What is the stamen
The part of the flax tupuna used for sweet drinks
What is nectar
A molecule created by the process of photosynthesis. It allows plants to store the energy contained in sunlight
What is glucose
Acts as protection of seeds and plays a part in distribution.
What is the fruit
The physical joining of male (sperm) and female (ova) gametes
What is fertilisation?
Female part of the flower. Holds the stigma upwards
What is the carpel
Tarikikau flax was used to make "piupiu" by these people
Who are Ngati Porou
Tiny tubes plants use to move water absorbed in the roots to other parts of the plant
What is xylem?
Holds the leaves towards the light and transports nutrients between leaves and roots
What is the stem
The evaporation of water from a plants leaves. It draws water absorbed upwards from the roots
What is transpiration
Produces pollen
What is the anther
Ate flax was used to make hinaki (eel nets) and kete (baskets) by tribes from this region.
What is Whanagnui
Tiny tubes used to move glucose made in their leaves to other parts of the plant
What is phloem
Has many functions including: absorbing water and nutrients, anchoring the plant to the soil
What are the roots
A chemical process that combines water and carbon dioxide to make glucose and oxygen
What is photosynthesis
Produces a sticky liquid to catch pollen when pollinators land on the flower
What is the stigma
The part of the flax tupuna used for headaches
What is gum from the base leaves