The original 10 Commandments
Although he never wrote anything down himself, he is often considered to be the founder of Christianity.
The history of the Israelites/Hebrews combined with the teachings of Jesus.
The Bible
This type of religion believes that aspects of Nature have their own spirits or souls.
This term referring to duty is how one should act to get good karma.
Hinduism believes in reincarnation often linked to this social hierarchy.
Caste System
This religion began as the beliefs of the Aryan people as they conquered into South Asia.
Often portrayed as a double scroll, this holy book is the history of the descendants of Abraham.
The Torah
The Ganges River is the most sacred space in this religion.
The first of these is the statement that all life is suffering.
Buddhism's Four Noble Truths
Non-theistic karma and dharma
The name of the first Buddha.
The Quran contains some Jewish history, the teachings of Jesus as a prophet, and the teachings of this man known in his religion as The Prophet.
The symbol of Buddhism corresponds to this guide for life in the religion.
The Eightfold Path
This branch of Christianity started when the Roman Empire split in half and is currently practiced in Eastern Europe.
Eastern Orthodox
The fundamentals of Islam are "built" on these.
5 Pillars
All three of the religions that started in the Middle East are considered to have their origins with this man.
This holy book is the collections of the teachings of the Siddhartha Gautama.
The Tripitaka
This term refers to religions like Judaism and Islam that are self-driven and don't have much central hierarchy.
This is a type of Buddhism that links to the animist beliefs of an Asian island nation.
This monotheistic religion started with Guru Nanak.
The Vedas and Upanishads are the Hindu holy books and are largely made up of poems and hymns from these founding people.
The Aryans
This city is one of if not the most holy place in three major religions, so much so that there is an agreement that there can be no religious fighting in the city.
The First Diaspora was when the Hebrews were driven out of their territory by this government.
The Roman Empire