St. Vincent
St. Louise
Daughters of Charity
Who's talking to whom?

St. Vincent chose this career path to bring his family greater wealth.

Why did St. Vincent become a priest?


Was born in the same city where the Louvre is located.

Who is St. Louise?


What is the motto of the Daughters of Charity?


When counseling the sisters this founder said,

"I beg you for the love of God to show great tenderness to the poor."

Who is St. Louise?


 St. Vincent left office of chaplain to Queen Marguerite for this duty in the parish of Clichey.

What is pastor?


Louise felt that she needed to leave this man.

Who is Antoine le Gras?


The purpose for which the Daughters of Charity were founded.

What is service of the Poor?


St. Louise wrote these words of encouragement to this simple, humble, charitable group.

 "I have no doubt that God will bless this work provided we place no obstacles in His way. We shall always try to act with trust and dependence upon His divine will."

Who are the Daugthers of Charity?


The first person to ask "The Vincentian Question"?

Who is Madame de Gondi?


The only child of St. Louise.

Who is Michelle?


The Daughters of Charity was a originally a "nickname" given by the people because the sisters took direction from this group.

Who are the Ladies of Charity?


St.  Vincent said this to the Confreres about these people.

But, turn the coin, and you will see by the light of faith that the Son of God, Whose will it was to be poor, is represented to us by just these people.

Who are the people of the scarred coin or the poor?


St. Vincent founded this community of men after his encounter with the poor villagers of Fouville.

What is the Congregation of the Mission?


St. Louise came out of a dark time into the Illumination of the Spirit.

What is the Light of Pentecost?


These are principles for how the sisters should live and serve.

What are the evangelical counsels of  Humility, Simplicity and Charity?


This saint was "compelled, urged, pressed to say this to the sisters.  

"Be diligent in loving and serving the poor.  Love the poor honor them as you would Christ himself."

Who was St. Louise?


It was in Chatillon after responding to the needs of an ill family that St. Vincent founded this group of women.

Who are the Ladies of Charity?


From the beginning St. Louise felt that it was imperative to educate young girls and opened a collection of these diminutive educational institutions.

What are the little schools?


She was considered the first Daughter of Charity.

Who is Marguerite Naseau?


Sounds like St. Francis but this saint as chaplain to the powerful witnessed care for the marginalized.

If God is the center of your life, no words are necessary.  Your mere presence will touch hearts.

St. Vincent de Paul


It was through his office as Chaplain General to the Galleys that he came into to contact with this group of men.

Who are the galley slaves?


At St. Louise's wedding this group of people signed the guest book as "friends of the bride".

Who are St. Louise's relatives?


Two groups who were considered sinful.  One from the cradle and the other condemned to row battle ships.

Who are the foundlings and the Galley Slaves?


This founder regularly gave conferences to the Daughters and the Vincentian to foster their commitment to find Christ in the poor.

 … in serving persons who are poor, we serve Jesus Christ.  

Who is St. Vincent de Paul?
