CVS stands for
Consumer Value Store
How many days do I have to contact the new pharmacy colleague (including those who are cross-trained) from their start date?
3 Days
What order are the trainees are supposed to learn the workstations?
Production, Drop-Off, Pick-Up, Drive-Thru
The beverage company that has been using commercials starring Santa Claus since the 1930's.
The name of the Grinch's pet dog?
SME Stands for
Subject Matter Expert
How many days do you have to resolve your mitigations before they go overdue?
72 Hours - 3 Days
What shift does the trainee learn RTS?
Shift 10
What color do people in Brazil traditionally wear on New Year's Eve for good luck
Name the movie about a child fighting off burglars with traps in his home.
Home Alone
KPI Stands for
Key Performance Indicators
How many scores below 3 can a trainee receive on a capstone before it is determined that they did not pass?
If the trainee scores below the required percentage on their knowledge checks, they must review with an FTC or coach and retake the test. What is the percentage? (2 parts)
Workstations - 85%
Capstone - 90%
Fill in the blank:
Chocolate _______ are commonly given to children during Hanukkah
Everyone in Ralphie's family tell him he doesn't need a Red Rider Bee-bee gun. This is because they want to warn him that he will _______ his ______ out.
Shoot His Eye Out
IDP Stands for
Individual Development Plan
When you are entering in a schedule for a cross trained colleague (front store to pharmacy), what department are you supposed to put the colleague under?
Front Store
What shift does the trainee practice resolving insurance rejections?
Shift 7
Which reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot
Lyric - Which of these characters "is a fairy tale, they say?"
Frosty the Snowman
SAWW Stands for
Specific, Attainable, Who, When
What are the TWO things that trainees need to request if they do not pass their capstone?
Needs Analysis, Root Cause Analysis
What is the first thing the trainee shadows on shift 2?
"Pharmacy Tasks"
In Spain, what do people traditionally eat at each of the 12 clock chimes leading up to midnight on New Years Eve
Many cultures have a tradition of hanging this food-shaped ornament on the Christmas tree. What is the item?
The Christmas pickle, or the Weihnachtsgurke! It's a German tradition that's popular in the Midwest (and the South) today.