Context Clues
Types of Sentences
Revising and Editing

Which one of these is not an examples of a context clue?

A. Synonyms                     D. Word Parts

B. Antonyms                  

C. Opinions

C. Opinions


There are 3 types of Affixes. Name them and tell me where they are located in a word. 

1. Prefix (in the beginning of root word)

2. Root Word (in the middle)

3. Suffix (at the end of root word)


Complete the sentence. An apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to indicate _______.

A. Something is plural (there are many)

B. possessions/ownership

C. excitement/screaming

D. extra information not needed

B. possessions/ownership


Which one of these sentences is NOT a good way to write a sentence? 

A. Simple Sentence

B. Splice Sentence 

C. Compound Sentence 

B. Splice sentence


How can the sentence be edited to bring clarity to the writing?

Today is warm and sunny, so we will go to the swimming pool since it is hot.

Today is warm and sunny, so we will go to the swimming pool.

remove: since it is hot


The children pleaded to their mother for an ice-cream cone after she had already said no. What does the word pleaded mean?

A. asked                            C. shouted

B. begged                          D. ran

B. begged


The students were being dishonest when they told the teacher that their dog ate their homework. 

What is the prefix and root word in the word dishonest? What does the prefix mean?

A. Incorrect                        C. truthful

B. Lying                              D. Not

The prefix is dis- and the root word is honest.

The prefix dis- means D. Not 

ex: disrespect means not showing respect


Fix the sentence

1.The bird nest is made of straw.

1.The bird’s nest is made of straw.


What type of sentences is this, and how do you know?

1.The students were excited to visit the Zoo, so they were on their best behavior the entire day.

1.Compound Sentence, because: 



-2 complete sentences. 


Which sentence below does not belong and should be deleted?

Eggs start their journey from the farm to the store shelf. Farmers collect them, clean them, and pack them. ③ Then, trucks carry them to the store, where workers carefully place them on shelves for people to buy and enjoy. ④ Hens keep their eggs warm by sitting on them in their nests.

sentence 4


What is a synonym and antonym? Provide an example for the word RICH.

Synonyms- different words that mean the same thing. 


Antonyms- different words that mean the opposite. 



The students felt successful when they all passed their STAAR test

What is the suffix and root word in the word successful? What does the suffix mean?

A. can be done                 C. full of

B. past tense                    D. without

The suffix is -ful and the root word is success. 

The suffix -ful means C. full of

ex: beautiful = full of beauty


Fix these sentences and tell me if they are singular or plural.

1. Alexa mom bought her a new tv.

2. Nereyda borrowed Houston bicycle.

1. Alexa's mom bought her a new tv.

2. Nereyda borrowed Houston's bicycle. 

They are all SINGULAR


What type of sentences are these?

1.Mya loves to read new books everyday, she visit the library like once a week. 

2. Goes 4 times a month

1.Splice sentence

2. sentence fragment


What sentence should be removed because it doesn't contribute to the ideas of the writing.

Amari got a new pet fish named Neptune for his birthday. 2 He set up Neptune's tank carefully and fed him every day. 3 There are thousands of species of fish found in oceans, rivers, and lakes. 4 Amari and Neptune became best friends, and Amari felt happy taking care of his new pet.

sentence 3 should be deleted


At the meeting with the toy company, Johnson opened his suitcase. He pulled out the water blaster. Then he shot a stream of water clear across the meeting room! The toy company loved it and found it an innovative idea. 

What does innovative mean? Select 2 correct answer. 

A. Traditional                      D. Resistant to change

B. Creative idea               C. Something new

B. Creative idea 

C. Something new


The students should not be disrespectful to each other because they are good kids.

All 3 affixes are present in the word disrespectful. Identify each and tell me what the suffix and prefix mean.

Prefix = dis- (means not)

Root word respect 

Suffix = -ful (means full of)


Fix these sentences and tell me if they are singular or plural.

1.The students backpacks are all their favorite color.

2. The foxes fur is warm and cozy

1.The students' backpacks are all their favorite color.

2. The foxes' fur is warm and cozy

All these sentences are PLURAL.


What is a Sentence Splice, Run-on Sentence, and Sentence Fragment?

1. Splice sentence is a sentence missing a conjunction

2. Run-on Sentences are two or more sentences put together with not puncuation. 

3. Sentence Fragment is not a complete sentece that is missing a subject or predicate


What sentence should be removed because it doesn't contribute to the ideas of the writing.

① Jayceon was born in Orlando, Florida. ② He had an awesome camping trip during his summer break! ③ During the day, he went on adventures, exploring hidden trails and spotting wildlife. ④ He slept in a tent under the twinkling stars, listening to the sounds of nature all around him. ⑤ Jayceon couldn't wait to tell his friends about his camping trip when school started again!

sentence 1


Unlike the nimble dancers in her ballet class, Kate was clumsy and awkward as she spun around the dance floor. 

What does the word unlike mean? What part of WE SAID did you use to figure out the meaning? 

A. Friendly                         C. Stylish

B. Graceful                         D. Lucky

B. Graceful

You should have said Antonym. Kate is clumsy and the sentences said the other dancers are unlike (un=not; not like)Kate. Graceful is the OPPOSITE of clumsy.


My mom's wedding ring is irreplaceable to her, because they do not make it anymore. 

All 3 affixes are present in the word irreplaceable. Identify each and tell me what the suffix and prefix mean.

Prefix = Ir- (means not)

Root word = replace

Suffix= -able (mean able to)

not able to be replaced.


When a word is already plural without an s where do we put the apostrophe (')? Fix the examples. 

1.The womans scarf.               3. The mans ball

2.The womens scarfs.              4. The mens ball.

1.The woman's scarf.            3. The man's ball

2.The womens' scarfs.           4. The mens' ball.



Fix the sentences:

Allison was walking to the store to buy some candy but she forgot to bring her wallet with the money. Was upset and headed back home.

Allison was walking to the store to buy some candy, but she forgot to bring her wallet with the money. She was upset and headed back home.


What sentence should be removed because it doesn't contribute to the ideas of the writing.

(1) On Monday, Sarah's project was due, and she had to present it to the class. (2) However, Mark's project was not done, so he had to stay in during lunch to finish it. (3) Meanwhile, Emma had completed her project ahead of time and was eager to share it with the class. (4) Their elementary school was founded in 1967.

sentence 4
