What mountain did Moses receive the commandments on?
mt. Sinai
God led Israel out of Egypt by way of what body of water
The red sea
Moses and the Israelites followed this by day
A pillar of cloud
Joshua took over the whole from which former Israelites leader
What punishment did Moses receive for hitting the rock a second time
Didn't enter the promise land
Where were the tablets with the ten commandments kept?
The arc of the covenant
God first spoke to Moses from this
A burning bush
This became an idol while Moses on mt. Sinai
A golden calf
Who was the woman who sheltered the 2 Israelite spies
The Lord instructed Joshua to have 12 men pick up 12 _______ from where the priests were standing in the river.
How long was Moses on mt. Sinai receiving the commandments?
40 days and 40 nights
What name did God call Himself to Moses
How long did the Israelites wander in the desert
40 years
What went before the Israelites as they crossed the Jordan River
The arc of the covenant
What material was used to make the serpent
Who did Moses bring up with him on mt. Sinai to receive the commandments?
Who spoke for Moses since he had a speech problem
How many days could the Israelites gather manna
6 days
In total, how many times did the Israelites march around the walls of Jericho
What happened when Pharaoh's magicians turned their staffs into serpents?
Moses' staff serpent swallowed theirs
What are the 10 commandments?
What are the 10 plagues
A place to worship while the Israelites wandered
The tabernacle
What was the name of Rahab's son, and his wife
Boaz & Ruth
What 2 foods did god provide the Israelites in the wilderness?
Manna and Quail