What is a dynasty?
A sequence of rulers from the same family.
A foundation of belief.The idea humans were evil by nature.
What was traded along the Silk Road?
Silk, spices, teas, and other goods.
Oracle bones are?....
Pieces of shell or animal used to try and predict the future.
What is the Dynastic cycle?
1) A new emperor arrives by getting the Mandate of Heaven. 2) Things continue to go well. 3)Something bad happens(illness, natural disaster, invasion, etc.) 4) Emperor gets kicked,new emperor arrives, as well as getting the Mandate of Heaven. 5) Cycle restarts/continues.
What is known about the Xia dynasty
The Xia dynasty marks as the end of primitive society and the beginning of dynasties.Lasted nearly about 500 years with around 17 emperors. Little is known about this dynasty.
A souveregion ruler with great power and rank.
What are Taotie masks?
Define Bureaucracy.
A government run by non-elective officials.
Which dynasty built the Great Wall?
The Qin dynasty.
Cultural Diffusion-
The transfer of beliefs,and ideas from one culture to another.
Harsh weather, illness, land pirates, etc.
What are Taotie masks made of?
Define Bronze casting
A process used in ancient times to create bronze sculptures
What was the longest lasting dynasty?
The Zhou Dynasty.
Terracotta Army-
A massive collection of clay sculptures representing the army of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China.
What was discovered?
New religion. (like buddhism!)
Which dynasty used oracle bones?
Shang dynasty
Define Aristocracy
The highest class in a society and many born into the class.
What is the Shang Dynasty?
Its the first recorded history in Ancient China in the Shang Dynasty.Structures And impressive buildings were built.
Collection of ideas of confusios beliefs.
What was the Silk Road?
A route that traders utilized between China and Western countries.
What are the features of Taotie masks?
Large eyes,fangs,and nostrils to give it a beast like appearance.
What is filial piety?
Confucian belief is respect for family and ones ancestors