Big Stick Diplomacy
Roosevelt’s political approach on being peaceful but using force when needed
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
Drew public attention to poor working class conditions
Henry Ford
Revolutionized automobile industry
Dust Bowl
Dust storm that caused mass migration of farmers
Korematsu v. US
Ruled that internment of Japanese Americans was needed for the war effort
American and Spanish conflict over Cuba
Spanish-American War
Regulated quality of food
Pure Food and Drug Act
Coded message from Germany to Mexico proposing alliance against the US
Zimmerman Telegram
New Deal
Programs by FDR to relieve problems from the Great Depression
Executive Order 9066
Forced relocation of Japanese-Americans
Extension of the Monroe Doctrine allowing US intervention in Latin America
Roosevelt Corollary
18th Amendment
Banned manufacture and sale of alcohol
British ship sunk by U-boat
Towns built by homeless during Great Depression
War Production Board
Managed war production, ensured factories received materials
Platt Amendment
Treaty between US and Cuba that prevented foreign intervention in cuba
Underwood Tariff
Lowered tariff on imported goods
War Industries Board
Regulated US economy during the war
Bonus Army
Group of WWI veterans who demanded their promised bonuses
Brought Mexican laborers to work on US farms
Bracero Program
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Japan agreed to limit immigration; reduced tensions between US and Japan
3 powers reserved for voters to repeal or propose an elected official
Initiative, referendum, recall
Harlem Renaissance
African American intellectual and artistic movement
Works Progress Administration
New Deal program that provided jobs in public works
Tehran Conference
Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill meeting - Stalin declared war against Japan