V6 V8 V12. What do the numbers represent on a car
Name one player in the Oh Yes! Band besides Matt
Brian, Doc, TJ, Tony, Caitlin
How many ribs do women have?
What is the American man’s average shoe size according to Google?
What are two things you can never eat for breakfast
Lunch and dinner
What is the typical mileage between oil changes
How many strings does a guitar have
What is the average bra size of a woman according to Google?
What are men most attracted to women women according to Google?
What can be broken, but never held
A promise
What does E brake stand for
Emergency break
What is the name of the drum used by your foot and a pedal?
Kick drum
The most common woman name according to Google
What is the most common man’s name in America?
What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?
What does the 2nd born Yonkus and the inventor of the automobile have in common?
The name Henry
what does Tom Cruise and Keith Urban have in common?
Bulleri did Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman
What are women most attracted to women men according to Google?
What do men worry most about their appearance according to Google? Non sexual
Hair / balding
What never asks a question but gets answered all the time
Your cell phone
What does BMW stand for
Bayerische Motoren Werk
This very popular unknown guitar player died in a helicopter takeoff out of Alpine Valley in Illinois
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Men are from Venus where are women from?
What is the average height of a man?
What starts with an E and ends with an E but only has one letter in it
An envelope