Which Commandment?
Which Commandment?
Which Commandment?

Sam often uses God's name when he is feeling upset, saying things like "Oh my God." Which commandment is he breaking?

The second commandment: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”


Edward found a wallet on the floor at school, he takes the wallet to the lost and found in the main office. Eventually, the wallet is returned to the owner. What commandment was Edward practicing?

The seventh commandment: "You shall not steal."


When Jacob is shocked or upset, he tries to avoid using God's name in vain and will use phrases like "No way!" Which commandment is Jacob practicing?

The second commandment: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”


Ethan hears a lie going around school about a classmate that could hurt their reputation. Instead of spreading it, he chooses to investigate the truth. When he finds out the lie is false, he tells others to stop spreading it. Which commandment is he practicing?

The eighth commandment: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”


On Saturday night, Mariyan went out with her friends and came home late. When her parents woke her up the next day for Church, Mariyan told her parents she is going to stay home. Which commandment did she break?

The third commandment: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”


Ava spends too much time on her phone and often neglects her prayers and attending mass. When her parents tell her she must attend church, she disagrees with them, argues with them, and does not go to church. Which commandment did she break?

The fourth commandment: "Honor your father and mother.”


Emma constantly compares her family life to that of her neighbor’s seemingly perfect household. She finds herself wishing her parents were more like her neighbor’s. Which commandment is she breaking?

The ninth commandment: "“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.”


Alex dreams of becoming the next Lionel Messi and joins his school's soccer team. He starts putting soccer before all his religious responsibilities. He skips church and ignores his faith. After a while, Alex began to feel empty without God's love and began to put God first by fulfilling his religious responsibilities before all else. Which commandment did Alex start practicing?

The first commandment: "I am the Lord your God, you shall not have other gods before Me."


Katie did not do as well as she wanted on her exam. After she found out her score, she told herself "I am not good enough." Which commandment is she breaking?

The eighth commandment: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

Mia gets the newest IPhone and becomes obsessed with social media. She spends all her time scrolling through TikTok and Instagram, and begins to skip out on prayers and starts ignoring her faith. Which commandment is Mia breaking?

The first commandment: "I am the Lord your God, you shall not have other gods before Me."


Monica and her friends were hanging out when her friends began to gossip about a classmate. Monica jumped in and told her friends that gossiping is mean and hurtful, and asked to change the conversation. Which commandment is Monica practicing?

The fifth commandment: "You shall not kill."


Timmy does not have a Messi jersey, but has always wanted one. One day, he saw his friend Edward wearing one and began to feel jealous. Instead of allowing the jealousy to grow, Timmy decides to talk to his parents about saving up for one of his own. Which commandment is he practicing?

The tenth commandment: "“You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor’s”


Layla trusts her best friend Christina, and trusts her with her secrets. One day, Christina tells her other friend all of the secrets Layla told her. Which commandment did she break?

The sixth commandment: "You shall not commit adultery."


Lily scrolls through social media and becomes envious of another girl’s glamorous clothes and lifestyle. Instead of letting jealousy consume her, she chooses to focus on her own strengths, passions, and talks to God about her struggles. Which commandment is she practicing?

The tenth commandment: "You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor’s"


A group of friends were bullying another classmate. As Michael walked by, he heard this group of friends and joined in and begin the bully the other classmate too. Which commandment did he break?

The fifth commandment: "You shall not kill."
