This form is needed for a camper to attend camp.
Enrolment Form
This is important to maintain Ratios
being on time
This camper is crying during pre care
Help them pick an activity and make friends. Great Job!
These should be the only shoes worn in the building
Indoor Shoes
Name the camps happening next week
Fun and Friends, Camp Ottawa Adventure
A child is participating in a game and slips
Minor Injury report
This is should not be on staff while working
This camper was playing a little too hard outside
ask if they are ok, give ice, complete an incident report
These are needed for outdoor time
Boots, Snowpants, Jacket, Hat, Mits/Gloves
You should do this multiple times a day
Head counts
This form is needed if the child has an epi pen
Medication Administration form
This are the things I need to bring for work (6)
1. Lunch (including snacks)
2. Indoor Shoes
3. City of Ottawa shirt
4. Outdoor clothing (Boots, Snowpants, Jacket, Mit/golves)
5. Water Bottle
6. Positive attitude :)
These campers are not getting along. They are continuing to pick on each other and be disruptive to the whole group
Separate them the best we can, have them on different teams, complete a behaviour report for each, and talk to parents about it at pick up
This is a staple in getting through the long camp day without hanger
Full lunch, Snacks and all. Peanut Free
Who is coming on Thursday?
This form is best filled out when you are in doubt.
Behaviour report
Being a unionized employee during march break gets you 2 of these
15 minute scheduled break
This camper has forgotten their lunch.
Tell coordinator, get them an extra snack, call parents.
This is worn to show parents and the public who is watching the campers
City Shirt
The bandaids in your first aid kit run out
Ask coord for more, ask Shawna, there is a supply in the office behind the door.
The child that slips comes to camp the next day and tells you they went to the hospital last night.
Major Incident Report
I am running late, I am not feeling well. I should (2)
1. find a replacement
2. text, call, email Shawna ASAP
This camper has had a rough week. Today they chose to hit another camper and run away.
remove camper from the group, follow the camper, tell another staff where you are going, tell Shawna, complete a behaviour report, tell parents
The water here is yucky
A camper has an accident
ask them if they have a change of clothes, walk them through changing, tell coord, fill out incident form, call mom dad if no clothing, tell parents