Sitting Still...
"May the force be with you"
"Did I do that?"
What goes up must come down
Projectile Motion

You have two coins that equal 30 cents, but one isn't a quarter, what are the two coins?

What is a quarter and a nickel


According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, an objects force is equal to.....

What is it's mass times it's acceleration


According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, "For every action, ......."

What is "there is an equal but opposite reaction."


This physicist is the first person credited with explaining gravity after publishing his Law of Universal Gravitation

Who is Sir Isaac Newton


This easily seen variable is increased when the velocity of the projectile is increased. 

What is the horizontal distance


In the event of an automobile accident, this device is used to fight against the inertia your body experiences.

What is a seat belt or an airbag


This unit of measurement can also be referred to as a kg x m/s2

What is a Newton

This is the reaction force of the action force when a basketball is slammed on the ground by a player. 

What is bouncing back up


This field force causes every object on earth to be pulled toward the ground. 

What is gravity 


This angle is the angle that will allow a projectile to be launched the furthest distance. 

What is a 45 degree angle


According to Newton's First Law of Motion objects tend to resist changes in motion. Why doesn't a leaf resist a change in motion when the wind blows?

What is leaves do not have much mass


A 100 kg object and a 50 kg object have the same force exerted on each of them. Which object will gave the greater acceleration and why?

What is the 50 kg object due to it having less inertia


Steve Urkel backs a car into a garage door and says, "Did I do that?" Which law of motion does this describe? Explain!

What is all three laws of motion.


This is the value of acceleration due to gravity on planet Earth.

What is -9.8 m/s2


Shoot the basketball from the teachers chair to show a projectile being launched at an angle. You get 5 tries to make it.

Nice job!


This statement can be found in which of Newton's Laws of Motion? "An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion, until acted upon by a net force."

Newton's First Law of Motion


Calculate the force Ray Lewis exerts on Chad Johnson if Ray Lewis has a mass of 90 kg and an acceleration of 3.8 m/s2

What is 342 N


Find the momentum of a 1500 kg car if it is traveling at 50 km/hr

What is 75,000 kg x km/hr


When an object is in free fall, these two forces are the only forces acting upon the object.

What is gravity and air resistance


This is the result of a projectile being launched at an 80 degree angle. 

What is a short horizontal distance, an increased time, an increased vertical distance.


Some examples of objects with a lot of Inertia include planes, automobiles, and houses. What gives rise to the high amounts of inertia for these objects?

What is the increased mass


A dodgeball exerts a force of 10 N on a student's face. If the mass of the ball is .40 kg, what is the acceleration of the dodgeball?

What is 25 m/s2

If a softball is being pitched to home plate and has a momentum of .72 kg x m/s and a velocity of 3.6 m/s, what is the mass of the softball?

What is 0.2 kg 


This term is used when the force of gravity is balanced out by air restistance.

What is terminal velocity


A large rock and a penny are launched horizontally. Do both objects hit the ground at the same time. Why or why not?

What is yes, because gravity is the only force acting in the vertical due to the little air resistance.
