What is the 3rd Sedra of Sefer Shemot?
What happened after Bnei Yisroel were taxed?
They continued to have more babies
What 2 answers were given about a new king got up in Mitzrayim?
1. a new king
2. new decrees
What # is כט
True or false the only way to read the Passuk is that the מילדות were Jewish midwives
why according to Rashi did it list the names again?
because Hashem loves us
פשט\דרש comes from an outside source
That the Jews would join their enemies and kick them out
Why did it list the names again according to the Ramban?
because that is when the Galut started - so it was a recap.
is an acronym for
Rav Shlomo Yitzchaki
What was the excuse the midwives gave for not killing the Jewish baby boys?
That they delivered before they got there
What is a reason for thinking the midwives aren't Jewish?
Because they would have told.
The Korban Pesach happened in this Sedera:
At the end who was commanded to be killed?
All baby boys were thrown in the river
True/False one of the meanings to a house was made for them was it was a jail