A principle of play is.....
The main goal of a game
FAST stands for?
Force, Accuracy, Speed and Timing
A set would fall under which principle of play....
Setting up attack or Creating, defending and exploiting space.
How many people stand on the volleyball court?
What state was Mr Pratt born in?
Movement strategy is...
Tactics or smaller goals broken down from the principle of play
A serve that lands in space is an example of what quality of movement?
Describe the correct way to set
Get under the ball, fingers facing outwards, absorb the force and push the ball to the hitting with enough height to give them time to hit.
A dig is typically used to?
Pass the ball to the setter or defend against a serve/spike
What GEL year level does Mr Pratt have?
Year 12
A movement sequence is....
Skill used within the movement strategy
A serve hits the net, this could be an example of what quality of movement?
Force and Timing
Describe the most effective way to time an overarm serve?
Hit the ball at the top of jump with it being slightly in front of the eyeline
How many people are required to carry the poles when setting up the volleyball court at school?
Mr Pratt goes for what NRL Team?
Pressure at the net is an example of principle of play/movement strategy/movement sequence...
Movement strategy
Running to save a dig is an example of which quality of movement?
Arms straight, knees bent to absorb the force, hit the surface of the forearms... not the knuckles
How many points do you need to win a set in volleyball?
Mr Pratt has been at Grace for how many years?
4th year
Attacking opposition court and scoring, Setting up attack, defending against attack, creating, defending and exploiting space.
What type of force is required for these 3 skills
- Set
- Dig
- Spike
Set= Moderate
Dig= Low
Spike = High
Setting to hitter is falls under what principle of play?
Setting up the attack
The main role of a libero is to...
be a passing and digging specialist in the back court
Mr Pratt has how many siblings?