Acids and bases
endocrine system
immune system
nervous system

 substances that have a sour taste, react with metals they can damage or destroy other substances through chemical reactions and are considered corrosive.

What is an acid?


A non-living thing in an ecosystem. Abiotic factors include sunlight, water, sand and rocks.

What are abiotic factors and give examples?


The body system that transports hormones around the body.The endocrine system relies on the circulatory system to deliver hormones where they are needed.

What is the circulatory system?


A protein that can identify and fight a specific pathogen.Antibodies are produced by B cells and are specialised to fight one type of pathogen.

What is antibodies?


axon terminal

The part of a neuron that passes a signal to the next cell. It contain chemicals that can be released into the synapse for the next neuron to detect.

What are Axon terminals


Able to damage or destroy another substance by a chemical reaction.Acids and bases are both corrosive and need to be stored carefully.

What is corrosive?


A living thing in an ecosystem.Biotic factors include corals, sea jellies, whales and seabirds.

What is a biotic factor and give examples?


The body system that produces hormones to control body functions.The endocrine system includes all of the glands that make hormones.

What is the endocrine system?


A white blood cell that produces proteins to attack pathogens.When a B cell finds a matching pathogen, it clones itself and produces antibodies to fight the infection.

What are B- cells?


The brain and spinal cord receives information from the sense organs and organises the body's responses.

what is the central nervous system?


A base that dissolves in water. Bases are solids or liquids. Some solid bases can dissolve in water to make an alkaline solution.



One pathway of energy transfer between organisms.The arrows in a food chain show the transfer of energy from one type of organism to another.

What is a foodchain?


The body's ability to maintain a stable state.Humans need to keep their body conditions stable even when surrounding conditions change.

What is homeostasis?


A defence that kills pathogens before they can enter the body.Stomach acid and the enzymes in saliva and tears are examples of chemical barriers.

What are chemical barriers?


The nerves extending from the brain and spinal core it relays messages between the sense organs, central nervous system, and muscles and glands.

What is the peripheral nervous system?


A substance with a pH of 7. Neutral substances such as distilled water are neither acidic nor basic.

What is a neutral substance?


Connected pathways of energy transfer between organisms. A food web is built by connecting all the food chains in a particular ecosystem.

What is a food web?


A gland behind the stomach that helps digestion and blood glucose control.The pancreas produces hormones such as insulin and glucagon, as well as substances to help break down food.

What is the pancreas and what does it do for the body?


Barriers that prevent pathogens from entering the body. Skin, saliva, urine and tears are barriers in the first line of defence.

What is the first line of defence?


A cell that detects inputs of a specific type. Organisms have different receptors to detect various inputs, including light, smells, heat and sound.

What is receptor?


The standard way of measuring the strengths of acids and bases. pH is a number from 0 to 14 that relates to the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution.

what's the pH scale and explain about it?


A long-term relationship between species where at least one benefits.Symbiotic relationships may be mutualistic, parasitic or commensal. Clownfish and sea anemones have a mutualistic relationship.

What is symbiosis?


When a change in a system causes another change with the opposite effect.Negative feedback loops bring the body back to its starting position and help maintain homeostasis.

What is the negative feedback loop?


The protection from infection provided when most of a population is immune.protects vulnerable and unvaccinated people because they are less likely to be exposed to infection.

What is herd immunity?


The part of a neuron that carries signals away from the cell body. a thread-like structures that range in length from less than 1 mm to about 1 m.

What is an axon?
