Cari Katz and Jason Kleinman
Classic Billy Joel song that we love to sing at camp
Piano Man
What is the name of Maya's sister
First and last name spelled correctly
Allie Weinstein
Company he runs
Trunks to Bunks
How many pools exist at Taconic?
Singer of the song "Lavender Haze"
Taylor Swift
What is Maya's last name (pronounced correctly)
Groothuis (GROO-thee-US)
Allie's sister who works at camp and her position
Kate Weinstein- 11s general
Position last summer
Upper camp boys head counselor
What is the name of the head chef of this summer?
What sing song do they never play on the guitar, only from the sound booth?
What summer at camp is it for each of us
11th and 2nd
Activity area that Allie worked at
Years at camp
Name every girl group head of this summer
Grace, Maya, Aima, Carly, Brenna, Lindsey, Pines, Sam, Lauren
Starting in 2015 this broadway musical was a hit across the nation and at Taconic
How old is Maya and what month was she born
19 born in June
Teens year
State he's from
Where did archery used to be at Taconic?
JC pool hill
What day did Maya arrive at camp
June 9th
Taconic games team that she was the captain of
White broadway
College he went to
University of Wisconsin