Which of these words is a synonym of the word "battle"?
Agreement, Investigation, Conflict, Guidance
This word means "a jump from a specific point".
What word is defined as "connected physically or emotionally, or in a relationship with"?
True or False: When you skim a text, you don't read every word, you read the first sentence and quickly pass your eyes on the rest.
What are all the subject pronouns that can exist?
I, you (singular), he, she, it, we, you (plural), they
What is "marketplace"?
a place where you buy and sell a variety of products
This word is defined as "an adjective that describes a person with a lot of money"?
What do you need to do when your paragraph purpose is to provide background information?
Give all the necessary info or context before presenting the main idea, so readers aren't lost.
True or False: A text has a main idea but paragraphs don't have individual main ideas.
What is "aware"?
To know of something
What is "rule out"?
To discard or not count something
What are the 2 periods of time used in real world timelines?
Before Christ (B.C.) and After Death of Christ (A.D.)
What is the main difference between a fact and a theory?
A fact has substantial evidence to back itself up, a theory has some evidence but also has gaps of information.
What is "solely"?
Something that is alone, individual or isolated.
What is "plenty"?
A lot of, a substantial quantity
What is "enable"?
To activate something or to give someone permission
What can help you understand what noun each pronoun refers to?
What is the purpose or the purposes of this paragraph?
Excessive social media use harms teen mental health, increasing anxiety and depression. A 2023 Pew Research report found that 59% of teens feel pressure to stay online, and 35% experience cyberbullying. JAMA Pediatrics reports that teens spending over three hours daily on social media are twice as likely to show depression symptoms. These findings stress the need for responsible digital use.
Present an argument, report data as figures or statistics
What is the definition of the expression "cut down on"?
To reduce something
This word means "a feeling of love or care for someone"
What is "luxurious"?
Something classy, fancy or elegant, of a high class.
Is this fact or theory? Why?
Our universe is just one of many. Quantum mechanics suggests every decision spawns parallel worlds, while NASA’s WMAP data indicates cosmic inflation formed multiple universes. Even gravitational anomalies hint at their existence. Though we may never reach them, the multiverse reshapes our understanding of reality.
Theory, no concrete evidence is presented (such as numbers, statistics or photographic evidence.
What is the most important and required element for a timeline to work, even when talking about fictional universes? Provide an example
A time measure (BC/AD, BBY/ABY from Star Wars, Ages from Lord of the Rings, BB/AB from the MCU, BWW1/AWW1 from Harry Potter)