What to capitalize:
i sent a thank-you note to aunt abigail but not to my other aunts.
What are I and Aunt Abigail?
What to capitalize:
The last time i visited atlanta was several years ago.
What are I and Atlanta?
Which words should be capitalized in this organization:
The state board of equalization collects sales taxes.
What are State, Board, and Equalization?
Capitalize federal or state when used as part of an official agency name or in government documents where these terms represent an official name. If they are being used as general terms, you may use lowercase letters.
What to capitalize:
when he tells a joke, he sometimes forgets the punch line.
What is when?
Which is correct:
A. I love autumn colors and spring flowers.
B. I love Autumn colors and Spring flowers.
What is A?
Do not capitalize the names of seasons.
Which is correct:
A. Here is a present I bought for Mother.
B. Did you buy a present for your mother?
What is both?
Which is correct:
A. We have had three relatives visit from the South.
B. Go South and then turn left.
What is A?
Capitalize the points of a compass only when they refer to specific regions.
In this case, is it right to capitalize "Bureau" in the second sentence?
The Bureau of Land Management has some jurisdiction over Indian lands. The Bureau is finding its administrative role to be challenging.
What is yes?
You may capitalize words such as department, bureau, and office if you have prepared your text in the way you saw above.
Is the sentence correct:
Emerson once said, "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
What is no--"A" should be capitalized in the quote?
Which is correct:
A. my dear Mr. Sanchez and very truly yours
B. My dear Mr. Sanchez and Very truly yours
What is B?
Capitalize the first word of a salutation and the first word of a complimentary close.
Which is correct:
A. God the father, the virgin mary
B. the Bible, the Greek gods, Moses
What is B?
Which is correct:
A. The Sun is an ordinary star.
B. Venus and Earth differ significantly in the composition of their atmospheres.
What is B?
Capitalize astronomical terms such as the names of galaxies, constellations, stars, planets and their satellites, and asteroids. However, the terms earth, sun, and moon are often not capitalized unless they appear in a sentence that refers to other astronomical bodies.
Which is correct:
A. The Mesozoic is also known as the Age of Dinosaurs.
B. The Mesozoic is also known as the age of dinosaurs.
What is A?
Names of geological time spans are capitalized, but the terms for the magnitude of duration (eons, eras, periods, epochs, and stages, in descending order of length), are not.
Which words should be capitalized:
the day of the jackal
What are The, Day, and Jackal?
Always capitalize the first and last words of titles of publications, regardless of their parts of speech. Capitalize other words within titles, including the short verb forms Is, Are, and Be. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions should not be capitalized.Which is correct:
A. I must take English and math.
B. I must take english and math.
What is A?
Capitalize words derived from proper nouns. English is capitalized because it comes from the proper noun England, but math does not come from Mathland.
What to capitalize:
The word "polytheistic" means the worship of more than one god.
What is the sentence is correct?
Which is correct:
A. The sun is merely one of countless Stars.
B. The Sun is merely one of countless stars.
What is B?
In astronomy, general terms in proper names of celestial bodies are generally capitalized (“Orion’s Belt,” “Barnard’s Star,” “Comet Halley”). Note, however, that comet is lowercased in lay references to “Halley’s comet.”
Are these events capitalized correctly:
baby boom
Boston Tea Party
civil rights movement
gold rush
What is yes?
Names of many major historical events and projects are capitalized. Others, more recent or known by their generic descriptions, are usually lowercased. If in doubt, do not capitalize.
The correct capitalization of this title:
the old man and the sea
What is The Old Man and the Sea?
Always capitalize the first word as well as all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions should not be capitalized.Which is correct:
A. These are my favorite foods: Chocolate cake, spaghetti, and artichokes.
B. These are my favorite foods: chocolate cake, spaghetti, and artichokes.
What is B?
After a sentence ending with a colon, do not capitalize the first word if it begins a list.
Is this correct:
More african-americans are voting Republican.
What is no--African-Americans should be capitalized?
Which is correct:
A. The U.S.S. constitution was also known as "old ironsides" after she served in the War of 1812.
B. The U.S.S. Constitution was also known as "Old Ironsides" after she served in the War of 1812.
What is B?
The official names of ships, planes, and other vehicles are always capitalized.
Are these cultural terms correct:
abstract expressionismGregorian chant
What is yes?
Nouns and adjectives designating cultural styles, movements, and schools are capitalized if derived from proper nouns. Others are usually lowercased unless capitalization is needed to distinguish the name of a movement or group from the same word in its general sense (e.g., Cynic, cynic).
The correct capitalization of this newspaper article:
twenty-one students graduate with honors at local high school
What is Twenty-One Students Graduate with Honors at Local High School?
When a spelled-out number or simple fraction is used in a title, both components require capitalization.
Which is correct:
A. Will you take my temperature, doctor?
B. Will you take my temperature, Doctor?
What is B?
Capitalize any title when used as a direct address.