Parts of Speech
Subject/Verb Agreement
Current Events
Identify all nouns in the following sentence: After school on Tuesday, Mr. Murphy went to the grocery store, read two chapters in his book, cooked a delicious dinner, and watched the disappointing Blackhawks game before going to bed.
What are school, Tuesday, Mr. Murphy, store, chapters, book, dinner, game, bed
Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: It should not take (he, him) long to answer this question correctly.
What is him
Neither of my two suitcases (is, are) adequate for this trip.
What is is
Insert commas where they belong in the following sentence: Fishing snow skiing and scuba diving are my favorite sports.
What is Fishing, snow skiing, and scuba diving are my favorite sports.
What is Bruce Jenner's new name?
What is Caitlyn Jenner
Identify all verbs in the following sentence: After school on Tuesday, Mr. Murphy went to the grocery store, read two chapters in his book, cooked a delicious dinner, and watched the disappointing Blackhawks game before going to bed.
What are went, read, cooked, watched
Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: (We, Us) teachers enjoy working with the students at Disney II Magnet High School!
What is We
Everybody in the class (has, have) done the homework well in advance.
What is has
Insert commas where they belong in the following sentence: Snakes are both legless and armless yet muscles attached to movable ribs allow them to swim and crawl.
What is Snakes are both legless and armless, yet muscles attached to movable ribs allow them to swim and crawl.
Which two teams are currently playing for the Stanley Cup?
What are the Blackhawks and the Lightning
Identify all prepositions in the following sentence: After school on Tuesday, Mr. Murphy went to the grocery store, read two chapters in his book, cooked a delicious dinner, and watched the disappointing Blackhawks game before going to bed.
What are after, on, to, in, before, to
The bus driver made Antonio and (I, me) clean up the mess we made.
What is me
The jury (take, takes) their seats in the courtroom.
What is take
Insert commas where they belong in the following sentence: Hercules whose picture can be found on many ancient Greek pottery pieces was the son of Zeus.
What is Hercules, whose picture can be found on many ancient Greek pottery pieces, was the son of Zeus.
Who is the current Vice President of the United States?
Who is Joe Biden
Identify all adjectives in the following sentence: After school on Tuesday, Mr. Murphy went to the grocery store, read two chapters in his book, cooked a delicious dinner, and watched the disappointing Blackhawks game before going to bed.
What are two, his, delicious, disappointing, Blackhawks
Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: Mark, Samantha, and (I, me) rode our bikes all the way to the White Sox game.
What is I
Neither the teacher nor the students (seem, seems) to understand the assignment.
What is seems
Insert commas where they belong in the following sentence: In my opinion the students at Disney II are better than students anywhere else.
What is In my opinion, the students at Disney II are better than students anywhere else.
Riot Fest will no longer be held in Humboldt Park. Instead, which Chicago park will host the event this summer?
What is Douglass Park
Identify all pronouns in the following sentence: Even though he didn't like them, Mr. Maita ate all of his fish tacos.
What are he, them, his
I don't want anybody but (she, her) working on the project.
What is her
One of my instructors (has, have) written a letter of recommendation for me.
What is has
Insert commas where they belong in the following sentence: On Friday June 19 2015 all CPS students will officially be on summer break!
What is On Friday, June 19, 2015, all CPS students will officially be on summer break!
Hackers from which country were just found to have hacked American computer systems, stealing the private information of nearly four million people?
What is China