Who are the three school counselors?
Mrs. Bidlack, Mrs. Rex, and Ms. Wood
If you are interested in playing a sport, where do you go?
Ms. Custer (athletic secretary) and Mr. Owen (athletic director) in the Athletic Office (east end)
True or False: Foreign language is a graduation requirement.
False! Foreign language is NOT a graduation requirement. It counts as an elective credit.
What is Apollo
Apollo Career Center is a career-technical education program where students earn their high school credits as well as learning skills in a specific trade.
What parts of the alphabet do the counselors oversee?
Ms. Wood: A-G, Mrs. Bidlack: H-O, Mrs. Rex: P-Z
If you have to leave early for a doctor's appointment, where do you go?
Mrs. McGuire in the Attendance Office (east end)
How many credits do you need to graduate?
When do students go to Apollo?
Typcially, junior and senior year.
What is the document called that includes: Final grades for all classes, test scores, cumulative GPA, and Attendance record
If you are having trouble with your Chromebook, where do you go?
Mrs. Neu in the GIC
How many science credits do you need to meet graduation requirements?
3 credits
How many years of foreign language do four-year colleges prefer?
Four-year colleges prefer three years of the same foreign language.
Who is the guidance secretary?
Mrs. Downard
If you have to pay school fees, where do you go?
Mrs. Rigali in the east office
What is the competency score you need in ELA 2 end of course exam and Alg. 1 end of course exam to meet graduation requirements?
What happens if you fail a course that is a graduation requirements (for example: English 9)?
You must do credit recovery in the summer or re-take the course.
How do you schedule an appointment with your school counselor?
Visit the guidance website and sign-up on their booking page.
If you're interested in joining Art Club, where do you go?
Mr. Krawetzke
How many seals do you need to graduate high school?
Hint: Be specific, there are options :)
Two state seals OR one state seal and one local seal?
How much do the semester and final exam grades count towards your overall final grade?
The semester and final exam grades count 5% each towards your overall final grade in a year long class.