Literary Elements
Point of View
Stylistic Devices
Narrative Structure

The people or animals in a story.

What is a character?


A struggle between opposing forces, the problem of the story, and moves the plot forward. 

What is Conflict?

The angle by which a story is told. The angle depends upon the narrator, or person telling the story.
What is Point of View?
The message about life or human nature that is "hidden" in the story that the writer tells.
What is Theme?

This is a graphical representation of the plot of the story. (A line graph of the story's events) 

What is a Plot Diagram?


The feeling of anxiety or tension that makes us want to keep reading or watching a story.

What is suspense


The author tells the audience what a character is like via a narrator, another character, or by the character himself. 

What is direct characterization 

The person or force that works against the hero/main character in the story.
What is the Antagonist?

A problem within a character's own mind..

What is Internal Conflict?

One of the characters in the story is telling the story. (I, me)
What is First-Person Point of View?

The use of a concrete object to represent an abstract idea.

What is Symbolism 


This introduces characters and settings while supplying background and setting the tone.

What is Exposition?


When a character has a difficult decision to make.

What is dilemma 


The audience determines what a character is like through the character's actions, speech, appearance, and interaction with other characters. This draws the audience in as the character is slowly revealed throughout the story.

What is indirect characterization

The main character in a story, often a good or heroic type.
What is the Protagonist?

A problem between a character and society, animal, nature, or group. 

What is External Conflict?

You are part of the story because you are a character in the story. (you, your)
What is Second-Person Point of View?
Themes are universal because... 

a) Everyone shares common experiences, and can relate to them

b) Everyone enjoys them 

c) Authors add them to make the story meaningful 

d) Stories will read forever 

a) Everyone shares common experiences, and can relate to them


This introduces complications (problems) which build suspense and is when the plot "thickens."

What is Rising Action?


What are ways authors use mystery?

1) Leave out some of the details 

2) Imply what happens, but doesn't state it explicitly. 


The following is an example of what type of characterization? 

Lou is an amazing musician. People always book him for their weddings, and other types of parties. 

What is direct characterization

The place and time frame in which a story takes place.
What is the Setting?

What type of conflict is the following scenario? 

Spencer's mom asks him what he wants for his birthday. He knows they don't have a lot of money right now, but he really wants a new phone. He doesn't know what to say.

What is Internal Conflict?

Third-Person point of view allows the narrator to share the thoughts and feelings of two or more characters. (all, everything)
What is Third-Person Omniscient?

The attitude or feeling that comes across in a piece of literature.

What is Tone?


This is the turning point of the story and the moment when the suspense reaches its peak which results in a change for the main character. This sometimes occurs at the end of the story, without being followed by the falling action.

What is the Climax?


True or False? Foreshadowing is the difference between appearance and reality.

False. Foreshadowing is a hint about something that will happen later in the plot. 


The following is an example of what type of characterization?

When Josh arrived at school each day, he would ask his teachers if they needed him to take the chairs down or make copies. He enjoyed going to each class and doing little jobs for his teachers.  

What is indirect characterization 


Describes the events happening within a story. This also is the action that makes up the story. It is also advanced by the characters in the story.

What is the Plot?


Alone on a sailboat in the Pacific Ocean, Melanie must survive a typhoon and make it back to the mainland.

What is External Conflict?


Third-Person point of view that allows the narrator to share the thoughts and feelings of only one character.

What is Third-Person Limited Omniscient?


Angie loved to draw.  She made colorful designs of people’s names with bright hearts & flowers, but she lost her own markers, so she borrowed her teacher’s.  The school day was ending, but Angie wanted to keep coloring, so she took the teacher’s markers home and lost them in her messy room.  She came back to school the next day and wanted to color again, so she asked the teacher for more markers.  The teacher replied, “Sure, Angie, but this is my last pack.”  Angie said she would be careful, but by the end of the day the markers were scattered all over the floor and the custodian swept them up and disposed of them.  When Angie came in the next day, she asked the teacher for more markers, but she was disappointed to find that there weren’t any more.  “I don’t know where all of my markers went,” said the teacher, “but I don’t have them.”  Angie had to draw her pictures with drab pencils.

The theme of this passage is that you should take care of your belongings and treat them respectfully. 


This occurs after the climax of the story, resolves conflict and ties up loose ends of the story.

What is the Falling Action/Resolution?


Determine whether the scenarios are an example of Situational Irony, Verbal Irony, or Dramatic Irony.

1) Penny practiced for her senior dance recital for over a month. The day before her performance at her final rehearsal, she fell and there was a loud crack. "Great, just what I wanted a broken leg!" she wept. 

2) Tim Kylie is one of the world's top chefs. He is best known for his signature dish, triple-dipped chip steak. This masterpiece contains over a pound of beef braised in duck fat. Another of Chef Kylie's more celebrated dishes is the Hamslaughter Supreme. This dish features ham stuffed sausage links presented in a basket made of braided bacon. While carnivores around the world roar for Chef Kylie's creations, it is unlikely that Chef Kylie will dine with them. As a longtime vegan, Chef Kylie would never dream of devouring one of his own dishes. 

3) Tom has always liked Lucy, but Lucy has always thought Tom was annoying and unattractive. One day, Lucy comes home to find an eviction notice on her door. Apparently, her roommate had been spending the rent money that Lucy was giving her on other things. Lucy only has 24 hours to get all her stuff over to her mom’s house, and Lucy doesn’t even have a car. But Tom has a truck. So Lucy calls up Tom and asks him how he’s doing. She tells him that she’s always thought he was funny, and that they should hang out sometime. Tom thinks that Lucy has finally come around is beginning to like him. He also thinks that his jokes are funny because she is laughing after everything that he says. 

1. Verbal Irony

2. Situational Irony 

3. Dramatic Irony 


What are the five ways a writer can show indirect characterization? 

What is words, actions, character relationships, appearance, and thoughts and feelings 
