Literary Devices
Poetic Devices
Time To Rhyme
What's That Author's Name Again?
Parts of a Story
A thing that REPRESENTS or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
What is a symbol?
She is LIKE a feather drifting in the wind, light and free
What is simile?
This type of rhyme occurs at the end of poetic lines
What is end rhyme?
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could. This author uses both end rhyme and exact rhyme.
Who is Robert Frost?
Where the story takes place
What is the setting?
The use of descriptive words to help a reader hear, touch, taste, smell, or visualize what the author is trying to say.
What is imagery?
"Rahh Rahh" like a dungeon dragon "Boom Boom Boom" even brighter than the moon RAH & BOOM are examples of this poetic device
What is onomatopoeia?
A pair of rhyming lines-- pair meaning two :)
What is a couplet?
He author the poems "Dream Deferred" and "Dream Variations"
Who is Langston Hughes?
The feeling created within a piece of literature
What is the mood?
This is a type of story in which everything can be a symbol. The setting, characters, and events are all symbols which represent a larger idea.
What is an allegory?
I stack my money so tall that you might need a giraffe when you were counting this cash! What an exaggeration, but a perfect example of this poetic device.
What is hyperbole?
The rhyme scheme of this Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one The mouse ran down Hickory Dickory Dock
What is AABCA?
He authored an allegorical story about a plague, was orphaned at a young age and married his cousin...E.A.P ring a bell?
Who is Edgar Allen Poe?
The main character in a story who is majorly involved conflict. They are sometimes, but NOT ALWAYS the hero of the story.
What is the protagonist?
The method an author uses to describe the character's physical appearance or personality within a story. For example, in The Necklace, Madame Loisel is described as beautiful, but poor and grateful.
What is characterization?
The title of the poem "maggie, milly, molly, and may," by e.e.cummings uses this types of poetic device.
What is alliteration?
This is the rhythmical pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables within a line of poetry. You can count the beats to determine it.
What is meter?
Author of the poem "We Never Know How High We Are" explains how we sometimes do not know our full potential until it is asked from us.
Who is Emily Dickinson?
This is the struggle between two opposing forces: There are seven types; but man vs. man, man vs. nature, and man vs. society are just a few.
What is conflict?
An indirect or passing reference to some event, person, place or artistic work within a literary text.
What is allusion?
"Biggie Smalls" "Jumbo Shrimp" "Icy Hot" These contradictory terms are examples of this device
What is oxymoron?
It is a metrical foot characterized by an unstressed and stressed syllable. If you use two you have created a dimeter; three, a trimeter; and four, a tetrameter.
What is an iamb?
Author of Macavity the Mystery Cat
Who is T.S. Elliot?
The part of the plot is also called the "denouement" or final part.
What is the resolution?