Analyze the Plot
Making Inferences
Analyze argument
Analyze Rhetorical Devices

The sequence of events that occur in a story is called ______?

What is plot?


Mike had fun hiking in the woods and doing crafts.  He also really enjoyed the campfire sing-a-long and had made a lot of new friends. Still, he was glad that tomorrow he would be going home.
Where is Mike?



An authors position or perspective on a specific subject

what is claim?


Q. A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared using like or as is which of the following rhetorical devices?

What is simile?


Q. Where does the comma belong? Carnegie believed that reading had helped him to become educated successful and happy.

What is educated, successful, and


A struggle between two or more opposing forces.

What is conflict?


As I walked in the door, I was amazed at the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it would be hard to decide what I would buy with my $3. The chocolate truffles looked delicious, but they were expensive. The jelly beans were not only cheaper, but so colorful! With so much to choose from, I knew I would be here a long time. Where am I?

What is ...a candy store?


An author’s points for making their claim that will be supported with evidence.

What is reason?


A question asked to make a point, not that you want an answer is which of the following rhetorical devices?

what is rhetorical question?


Where does the comma belong? He became known as an intelligent hard-working and daring businessman.

What is...intelligent, hard-working 


The correct order of plot stages is...

what is exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution?


Rachel was on her way to volunteer at the animal shelter.  She was very excited!  She really liked dogs.  Her brother was allergic to dogs, however, so she was rarely around them.  Rachel had a lot of fun playing with the puppies.  But after her shift, itchy bumps appeared on her arms.
It is likely that:

What is Rachel is allergic to dogs?


A collection of information used to support an author’s idea.

What is evidence?


 one goal of persuasion?

What is change other's point of view


Where does the comma belong? Andrew wanted to go to school but he had to work in a factory instead.

What, but


the part of the plot
introduces the characters and setting

What is exposition?


"Due to their incredible force and unpredictability, floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood."

Based on what you have read, you can conclude that:

What is...Cleaning up after a flood can be expensive and take time.


Numerical data used to prove or disprove an argument.  Hint: Teacher Amira

What is statistics?


When the writer anticipates objections or goes against what you are saying.

What is counterargument/counterclaim?


The sign said "No smoking" but many people were ignoring it.  Where does the comma go?

What is..."No smoking", but


Which part of the plot develops the conflict?

What is rising action?


"The night was very dark. Charlie and Ted were sitting by the fire and toasting marshmallows. They had set-up their tent that afternoon. Suddenly, Ted heard a noise. Charlie heard it, too. It said, "Hoot, hoot!" It was coming from the tree over the tent. The boys threw down their marshmallows and ran all the way home."

Why did the boys run home?

What is... the boys ran home because they were afraid of the noise they heard.


A thing or idea that is universally known to be true or proved.

What is fact?


Where does the comma belong? I went to the grocery store and bought apples oranges and bananas.

What is...apples, oranges, and bananas. 


Where does the comma belong? In horror movies characters often do incredibly stupid things.

What is...In horror movies, characters
