General science
1d Motion
Projectile Motion and Gravity
Forces and Newton's Laws

The variable changed by the experimenter.

What is the independent variable?


The extra requirement for vectors like displacement and velocity.

What is a direction?


The value for acceleration of objects dropped near earth.

What is 9.8 m/s/s (or 10) down?


The definition of inertia.

What is the resistance to change in motion (acceleration)?


The definition of momentum.

What is amount of motion or mass times velocity?


The initial and final forms of energy if you eat food and then go for a run.

What are chemical and kinetic or chemical and thermal?


The number of grams in a kilogram.

What is 1000 grams in 1 kg?


The average velocity of an object that moves 10 meters to the right then 5 meters to the left in a total of 5 seconds.  

What is 1 m/s to the right (or +1 m/s)?


The number or numbers from this diagram that would help us calculate how long the projectile spends in the air. 

What is vy = 20 m/s up?


The complete force diagram for a football after it is thrown but before it hits the ground. 

What is 


The result of an elastic collision.

What are two objects which bounced off of each other?

The energy of a 5 kg object moving 5 m/s

What is 62.5 joules?


A graph for an experiment that tested how the size of car tires affects the gas mileage of a car.

What is an x-y axis with wheel size on the x-axis with a unit like meters and gas mileage on the y-axis with a unit like miles per gallon?


The position graph for a person who walks, then jogs, then runs away from position=0. 


The time it would take an object to hit the ground if it is dropped from 10 meters in the air.

What is about 1.4 seconds?


The Newton's third law pair for the force of the wind blowing through your hair. 

What is your hair pushing against the air?


The object that experiences a bigger change in momentum when a 70 kg skier pushes his 35 kg buddy from behind on a catwalk.

What is they are the same because of Newton's third law?


The work done by a student using a 2.45 N of force to pull a string 1 m.

What is 2.45 joules?


A graph showing an inverse relationship between mass and final velocity.

What is a graph with mass in kg on the x axis and final velocity in m/s on the y axis with an upwards curve that has a negative slope?

The velocity graph for an object that is moving forward at first, but slows to a stop over a few seconds. 


A claim supported by evidence based on the data in this table.

What are lots of possible answers: ex. as time decreases for a constant drop height acceleration increases as shown by the data in the last five rows?

The tension in a cable supporting a 50 kg object above the earth.

What is 490 N (or 500 N)?


The final speed of a 10 ton truck travelling 60 mph east after crashing into a 1 ton car going 60 mph west (they stick together).

What is 49 miles/hour to the east?


The final speed of a 2kg car travelling 5 m/s at the bottom of a hill, after climbing a 1 meter hill.

What is 2.3 m/s?

A claim supported by evidence based on the information about the pendulum in this table. 

What is as ________ _________s, __________ _________s as shown in the data in rows _____?


The displacement of a car who comes to a sudden stop from 30 m/s in 3 seconds.

What is 45 meters forward?


The maximum height this projectile would reach if it is launched over flat ground near earth. 

What is 20.4 meters high?


The force of friction acting on a 10kg object that is being pushed with 200N to the right, but accelerating to the left at 5 m/s^2.

What is -250 N or 250 N to the left?


The force needed by a seatbelt in order to stop a 50 kg person going 40 m/s in 3 seconds.

What is 667 N?


The final height of an 10 kg object that is lifted by a student using a 24.5N force for a distance of 1 meter.

What is 0.25 meters?
