Classroom Environment
Chavez Prep!!
Daily Operations
Grading and Homework
What happens when I...
Although we do not SLANT specifically in 9th grade, what is the expectation for students while teachers and other students are talking?
Sitting up in your seat, tracking the speaker, and volume level on silent.
Who was Cesar Chavez?
He was a leader and activist who organized migrant workers/farm workers to get better rights.
What is the time that students are tardy to school, and will be held from their first period class?
What is the percent that HW counts towards a student's quarterly grade?
Have my cell phone out in class?
It gets taken.
What is an appropriate classroom volume when working on group work?
Library level
What are some things that you can use your citizenship credits towards in 9th grade?
Off-campus lunch on Tuesdays, dances, Prep Auction, purchasing classroom materials, and items in the 9th grade store.
What is the consequence for NOT being seated in your homeroom by 8:20am?
Automatic detention
What percentage of your grade comes from classwork and mastery of content?
Am absent from class for any reason even if it is excused?
I need to go get the work from the absent work folders in each class room, get the notes I missed, and check in with the teacher to complete all CW assignments and/or HW. I may even choose to stay after school for Scholarship Prep from 4-4:30pm for extra help.
When is it appropriate to ask to go to the bathroom? Describe the bathroom procedure in 9th grade.
After the first 15 minutes of class or before the last 15 minutes of class. Make sure to check with your teacher first before signing the sheet at the front of the classroom.
What are some rewards or incentives already in place for students who earn all As and Bs each week and also at the end of every quarter?
Off-campus lunch on Tuesdays, Eagle's Nest, and Prep Quest at the end of the year.
Which day(s) of the week are early dismissal days at 2:30?
Wednesdays NOT Fridays this year.
What is the percentage that assessments will count toward your quarterly grade?
Am off-task while using the computer in one of my classes?
I will first have a warning and a discussion with the teacher, but if it happens again, the computer will be taken away for the remainder of class. This may mean I will need to work on a different assignment or I will need to make up the work after school with teacher supervision.
Why is it important to have a volume level of silent when any one person (teacher or student) is talking in class? Explain.
It is important to be on silent because it will allow everyone in the room to hear the directions, questions, answers, or information that is essential for each students academic success.
How can you earn citizenship credits?
By showing the touchstone traits or characteristics.
Double Jeopardy!!!! What are the appropriate times to go to your locker?
In the morning before homeroom, at the beginning and end of lunch, and at the end of the day at dismissal.
Double Jeopardy!!! When and where do you hand in your homework for classes in 9th grade?
At the start of class in the class that assigned you the homework assignment.
Need to go to the bathroom during lunch?
In 9th grade you should go to the bathroom after 4th period before being dismissed to recess with your homeroom. Your next opportunity is to go to the bathroom after lunch in the CMR in a quick break before electives up in the 9th grade hall. There is no bathroom use during the actual lunch period.
Why should students work to participate in class even though there is no specific "participation grade"?
Class participation leads to better mastery of content in your class and allows you to practice speaking and listening skills that you will need to be successful in college and in life.
Describe three touchstone characteristics in your own words.
Focused, Self-Regulated, Curious, Resilient, and Socially Intelligent.
List all of the reasons a student could earn an automatic detention.
Saying "shut up" Chewing gum Arrival to school after 8:20 am Students that leave class without permission
What is the maximum grade an assignment (CW or HW) is worth when it is three days late?
70% because the HW or CW assignment loses 10% of the total grade each day it is late.
Double Jeopardy!!!! Have received a whole group warning and an individual warning for repeating a behavior (talking on silent, off-task behavior, etc...) that does not meet the basic expectations of PREP? Explain.
I will likely be asked to leave class either to fill out a reflection form in the back of a class and/or sent to the support center so that I do not disrupt the learning of my peers.