Narrative Writing
Arg. / Inf. Writing
Historical Context

A type of writing characterized by the use of descriptive language that appeals to the five senses.

What is Spatial/Sensory Detailing?


In the following sentence, which word is a preposition? 


I am going to the store.

What is "to"?


The question, fact, or imagine statement of the introductory paragraph.

What is a hook?


A type of conflict that happens in someone's own mind, attacking them through their thoughts rather than actions. 

What is Internal Conflict?

The author of the Butter Battle Book. 

Who is Dr. Seuss? 


The construction or creation of a fictional character.

What is Characterization?


What is the best way to fix this nonparallel sentence? 

She has glossy black hair, a tinkly laugh, and is also smart.

a.She has glossy black hair, a tinkly laugh, and a quick wit.

c.She has glossy black hair, likes to laugh, and is also smart.

b.She is pretty, funny, and smart.

d.She has glossy black hair, a tinkly laugh, and she is a smart person.

Answer: A.


The author's general character or attitude of a piece of writing.  

What is tone?


This terms refers to the time and place of a work of literature. 

What is Setting?


The author of Cask of Amontillado. 

Who is Edgar Allan Poe? 


A type of writing that uses personal pronouns like "I", "me", "my", "mine", ect.

What is First Person Point of View?


Choose the best way to combine these two sentences.

She wore red mittens with her navy blue coat.

She wore a red scarf with her navy blue coat.

a.She wore red mittens with her navy blue coat, but she also wore a red scarf.

b.She wore red mittens and a red scarf with her navy blue coat.

c.She wore a navy blue coat and wore red mittens and wore a red scarf.

d.She wore a red scarf, red mittens with her navy blue coat.

Correct Answer: B


The main idea of your essay that is listed at the very end of the introductory paragraph. 

What is a Thesis/Claim?


In literature, this term refers to a conversation between two or more characters, used to reveal character traits and advance the plot.

What is Dialogue? 

The story centered around a WWI veteran that finds himself on an island playing a deadly game of hide and seek. 

What is "The Most Dangerous Game"?


The moral or lesson of a fictional work of literature.

What is theme?


Which punctuation mark signals dialogue?

What is quotation marks?


A term describes a statement made to oppose another argument, offering an alternative perspective or evidence to challenge the initial claim. 

What is a counterclaim? 


This narrative technique involves a shift in time to an earlier event, providing background information and context to the current storyline.

What is flashback?


This type of writing is characterized by dark, macabre themes that depict death and betrayal.

What is Romanticism?


The use of objects or symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

What is Symbolism?


Fill in the correct form of the word (To, Two, Too) below:

The new bridge will open in _____ weeks.

If you bring your backpack, please bring a blanket ______.

1) Two

2) Too


In persuasive essays, this term refers to the writer's response to a counterclaim, aiming to disprove or weaken the opposing argument.

What is a rebuttal? 


In storytelling, this type of conflict occurs between a character and an outside force, such as another character, society, or nature.

What is External? 


Often referred to as the Bard of Avon, this English playwright and poet is renowned for his works such as "Hamlet," "Romeo and Juliet," and "Macbeth."

Who is William Shakespeare? 
