Spell the priest of Apollo’s name.
A formal plea for aid
What is invocation
Where does the epic showdown between Hector and Achilles take place?
Just outside the walls of Troy.
What does Priam bring Achilles in return of Hector's body
Valuable gifts
What is another name for Apollo
Son by Leto
Which god helps Hector to kill Patroculus?
Who is Apollo
Daughter of Chyses
Who is Chyseis
Why did the priest go to Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus?
He asks for his daughter to be returned
Interrupts the current action in the plot to tell what happened at an earlier time
What is flashback
Who helps tricks Hector into thinking he could win against Achilles
Who is Athena
How did the god Hermes help Priam sneak into the Greek camp to speak with Achilles?
He sprinkled a mist that would put the soldiers to sleep and disguised him as a young man.
Book 1: The Greek (Achaean) Army is experiencing a ____________ because Agamemnon refused to________________.
plague; return the Priest of Apollo’s daughter, Chryseis.
What is another name for the Greeks?
Achaeans or Danaans
Who is Queen of Troy
Who is Hecuba
Who prevents Achilles from killing Agamemnon?
What is destitute
How does Achilles mistreat the corpse of Hector
He ties Hector by his ankles to the back of his chariot and rides it around dragging him face down
When King Priam and Achilles finally meet, face-to-face, what is the outcome at the end of Book 24?
They weep and share a tender moment grieving over the losses of the war.
Who is Achille's mother?
goddess Thetis
The body of Hector is protected from decay by Apollo. True or false?
goddess of wisdom
Who is Athena
Which god brought about the plague to the Achaean warriors and why?
Apollo brought about the plague because the priest prayed for him to bring down his wrath upon the Achaeans.
lengthy simile comparing heroic events to everyday events
What is epic simile
Hector thinks that he will survive the fight with Achilles when he is tricked. True or False?
What sign/omen does Zeus show King Priam to assure him that he will not be harmed when he goes to retrieve Hector’s body from Achilles?
an eagle
What is Hector's wife's name?
Who is Andromache
Book 22: Achilles celebrates his victory over Hector by doing what?
Dragging Hector’s body behind his chariot
Son of Hector
Who is Astyanax
What is Calchas’ role in Book 1 of The Iliad?
He was the one to tell Achilles the truth about why Apollo was angry and killing the Greek army.
Clues that hint what is going to happen later in the plot
What is foreshadowing
Achilles returns Hector's body to his family. True or False
At the end of Book 24, there is a truce between the Greek and Trojan armies. How long does it last?
12 days
Book 1: Who is making the invocation at the beginning of the epic
Who is Homer
Book 22: Which two gods are discussing Hector’s fate during the battle?
Zeus and Athena
goddess of love
Who is Aphrodite
What does Agamemnon do to appease Apollo and who does he take from Achilles?
Agamemnon gives Chryseis back to her father and vows to take Briseis from Achilles.
Respect deeply
What is revere
Realizing he is doomed; Hector makes one last request. What is it?
For Achilles to not dismember his body.
Who orders Achilles to give Hector's body back to the Trojans?
Who is Zues
Who is Homer?
The author of the Iliad
Book 22: How does Achilles get his spear back in battle?
Athena gives it to him.
Who is King of Sparta
Who is Menelaus
Who prevented Achilles from killing Agamemnon?
Causing fear
What is formidable
Why does Priam ask Hector to come inside the walls of Troy?
Hector is King Priam’s son and the father wants to protect his son. Priam can see Achilles approaching and fears his son will be murdered in front of his eyes.
Achilles gives Hector's body back to King Priam. True or False?
Hera is in favor of the Greeks. True or False?
Book 22: What injury ends Hector’s life?
Achilles' spear to his neck
King of Mycenae and commander of Greek forces
What is implacable
How many times did Achilles chase Hector around the town square before killing him?
3 times
Achilles makes an apology at the end of Book 24. Who is the apology to and for what reason?
He apologizes to Patroclus for returning Hector’s body as he sees it could be somewhat dishonoring to Patroclus’ memory.
Who wins the war? Trojans or Greeks?
Book 22: Who is Depheibos and why is this character key?
Athena disguises herself as Depheibos in order to trick Hector into taking on Achilles.
Prophet who counsels the Greeks
Who is Calchas