Moments that changed our lived
Black America
Being Young
Guns and violence

Who was Nelson Mandela and why was he in prison for 27 years?

He was the president of South Africa and he fought for equal rights for all races in Africa. He was against Apartheid which is why he was in prison.

What war began over a fear that President Lincoln would end slavery

Civil War


What is the word for when children go from childhood to adulthood



Explain 2nd Amendment.

It is a law to have the right to bear arms.
What were the people called who wanted to end slavery?



Explain Apartheid and the four racial categories

Separateness between white and non-white

1. White

2. Black

3. Coloured

4. Indians


A movement for equal human rights.

Civil rights movement.


Why is it important for some teenagers/young people to be a part of a group? Give some examples.

Because you feel like that you are a member of a big family. You have someone that you can rely on. The feeling that you don't have at home or in school. You belong to solidarity and community.


What does NRA stand for?

National Rifle Association


Explain The 13th Amendment

In 1865, the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery was added.


Define terrorism with your own words.

  • "Terrorism usually involves weapons and violence. Terrorists normally have political aims. They want to change something in society, maybe in one country or maybe in the whole world."

  • "Terrorism is very different from crime. A criminal is often just in it for the money. And often works alone. Terrorists work in organised groups, and they have specific aims."

  • "People who die in a terrorist attack are usually completely innocent. The real target is often the government of the country or an ideology."

  • "Terrorism is about frightening people. If people are frightened, it is easier to force them or their government to do something that they don’t want to do."

  • "I associate terrorism with extremism – political extremism or religious extremism, like we sometimes see in the Middle East."

  • "Terrorism is not always violent. It is also terrorism when someone breaks into a computer system to steal information that is important for a country’s security."

Another word for separated/separation.



 Try to define what a subculture is. Use your own words to make a definition.

Culture is a set of attitudes, values, social conventions, manners and ways in which we act and think.

Larger and smaller groups can have their own culture, a culture that separates itself from other cultures.

Speaking of youth culture does not necessarily mean that all youngsters are a part of this culture.

The culture of the majority is called the mainstream culture; other cultures are socalled sub-cultures. And there are quite a few of those.


What is a school shooting? Explain...

In the typical case, an event in which a student at an educational institution—an elementary, middle, or high school or a college or university—shoots and injures or kills at least one other student or faculty member on the grounds of that institution. Such incidents usually involve multiple deaths. 


Another word for eliminate/make it away



How many Apartheid laws were there



How did slavery begin?

The first enslaved people from Africa in the American colonies arrived on a Dutch ship in Jamestown in 1619.


What is the mainstream culture in the film This is England?



Name the major factor for school shooters.



What was the escape route from the South to the North called?

Underground Railroad


What were the ID and the homelands?

Every non white person was suppose to wear ID in addition to the segragation (public places, schools etc)

There 10 homelands for black people like ghettos. The homelands were overcrowded and lack jobs. The wage was were low and it was forbidden to strike.


What is the meaning of slave codes?

The colonies established laws regarding the enslaved called slave codes. Some of these laws detailed the punishment for the enslaved who tried to escape. Other slave codes made it illegal to teach an enslaved person to read, to help one to hide, and to pay for the enslaved to work. The enslaved were not allowed to have weapons, leave the enslaver's plantation, or lift their hand against a white person.


What is a hate crime against LGBTQ+?

It is psychological abuse against people with different sexuality. They get spit on or called names.


Name the two boys who committed a school shooting at Columbine High School.

Eric Harris

Dylan Klebold


Explain Emancipation Proclamation

During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which declared that the enslaved in the South were free. Although, this did not free all the enslaved immediately, it set the precedence for all enslaved people to be set free.
