Describe the first five minutes of class every day
Enter silently and set a value and goal for the day
What is our class called in the First Quarter of Social Studies this year?
Life Skills
When are you able to revise your work and resubmit it for a higher grade?
What is the name of Ms. Cole's six-month-old son?
What is Ms. Cole's policy about gum?
You can chew gum! To keep earning this privilege, 100% of gum needs to go in the TRASH and not on any furniture whatsoever
Where you can see an overview of your grades for all classes?
On the Dashboard --> click "View Grades"
What is the class called in Quarter 2, 3 and 4 of Social Studies this year?
Ethnic Studies
What are the weighted categories for grading and how much is each category worth?
Practice - 30%
Mastery Assessments - 60%
Finals - 10%
List some positive reinforcements that Ms. Cole uses to encourage students to be their best selves
Appreciation note
Raffle tickets
Student shout outs
Homework, Headphone and Free Seat passes
Whole class breaks
Positive note home
Food :)
Where can you see a breakdown of your grades for Life Skills?
Click on your Life Skills class, then click on the "Grades" tab
What are the upcoming topics in Life Skills?
How many points are practice assignments worth?
Typically 5 points each
(Remember: these will only make up 30% of your overall grade)
Is Ethnic Studies a graduation requirement?
Stay 1 minute after class for each time your name is on the board
Where can you see your upcoming assignments for Life Skills?
Go to your life skills class, then click on the "Assignments" tab
What is the final project for Life Skills?
Identity Metaphor Project
How many points are Mastery Assessments worth?
Between 20 - 100 points depending on how many Learning Outcomes are being assessed
(Remember: These assessments make up 60% of your grade)
What are three things Ms. Cole likes to do for fun? (Must get ALL THREE to get points)
Play ukulele
Listen to Podcast
Ms. Cole may ask you to step outside or give you an immediate office referral if...
-Threats of violence
-Sexual harassment
-Discriminatory language
-Unsafe behavior
-Extreme defiance or disrespect
How do you see feedback comments that Ms. Cole left for you on a graded assignment on Canvas?
In the Grades tab, to the right of the assignment, click on the icon that looks like two speech bubbles.
What will be the 6 units in Ethnic Studies?
1. Intro to Ethnic Studies
2. Identity
3. Systems of Power
4. Migration, Movement and Diaspora
5. Contemporary Case Studies
6. Transformation and Change
What are the levels of mastery, and what percentage and letter grade does each translate to?
Advanced - 100% - A
Proficient - 80% - B
Competent - 70% - C
Developing - 55% - F
What is the difference between a "bystander" and an "upstander"?
A bystander watches something happen but doesn't do anything, an upstander takes action to do what is right.