5 Feet
At what depths is shoring required in a trench if it’s excavated in soil?
Emergency repair Kit B
If you are using a 1 ton chlorine cylinders, what emergency repair kit should you have?
Free Cl2 Residual
What is the strongest disinfectant?
Mechanical Seal
What prevents water leakage from the pump?
L x W x H
What is volume of a rectangle
Interior Smoothness
What does the C factor for a pipe represent?
155 – 168 o F
At what temperature does fusible metal plugs melt on a chlorine cylinder?
What is a weaker disinfectant but has a longer lasting residual; that is formed by combining Cl2 and ammonia?
Wear Rings
What is an inexpensive replaceable part is used to restrict leakage from the impeller discharge to the pump suction?
.785x D x D
What is the formula for Area of a pipe?
Air Relief Valve
What is installed at a high point in a pipeline to remove air/gasses for the line?
40 lbs
How much chlorine can be withdrawn from 150 LB chlorine cylinder in 24 hours?
What disinfection method is very effective but is expensive and leaves no residual?
Lantern Rings
In the middle of the stuffing box to allow water to lubricate the packing?
MGD x 8.34 x mg/L
What is the feed rate in lbs/day?
50 mg/L for 24 Hours
How should a newly installed water main be disinfected before being put into service?
Scales on the chlorine cylinders
What should be used to check the daily use of chlorine?
Chlorine Dioxide
What is generated by adding CL2 and sodium chlorite and will not react with organics to form THM's.
What happens when the suction side of a centrifugal pump is restricted and water turns to vapor?
(Flow,gpm)(Head, ft) / 3690
What is the formula for WHP
What is used to remove encrustations in the water main?
Lead Washer
What should be replaced ever time when changing a chlorine cylinder?
Sodium Hypochlorite
What is a liquid for of chlorine available at 12.5% strengths and is much safer that using chlorine gas?
Foot Valve
What is located at the end of the suction line to help maintain the pumps prim?
Specific Weight of a Substance, lbs. per gal / 8.34
What is the formula for Specific Gravity?