Bible Characters
Name that Book in the Bible
Our Ministry: Apply yourself to Reading and Teaching
Sophia and Caleb
Name That Plague

A Farmer who was not his brothers keeper and he grew grains, fruits and vegetables.

Who was Cain?


Smallest book in the bible, only one chapter. 

Who is the Bible Book Jude?


You must have this type of an introduction, if you want to arouse interest, identify your subject, and show why your listeners should be interested in it.

What is an effective introduction?


In the Video "Be Truthful", Caleb was trying to hide ________________.

What is the broken flower pot?


Name this plague that change one liquid to another type of liquid.

What is turn water into blood?


This bible Character was the great-grandson of Noah, He was a bad man who hunted and killed both animals and men. He also made himself a king to rule over other people. 

Who was Nimrod?


This Book of the Bible is named after the person who lost children, animals, servants and did not have supportive friends.

Who was Job? or Who is the Bible Book of Job?


Jesus used simple________ when teaching with to appeal to  his listeners and to teach important points.

What is used simple Illustrations or What are illustrations?


In the video "Making Friends" Sophia's dear friend Sister Elsa enjoyed this activity. 

What is painting?


Moses and Aaron went to tell Pharaoh God’s message: ‘If you don’t let my people go, I will send ______to the land.’ Swarms of _______invaded the houses of the Egyptians, both rich and poor. The whole land was full of _______.

What are gadflies? What is a gadfly?


Sold for 20 pieces of Silver, hated by his brothers and he father was told that wild animals killed him.

Who was Joseph?


This Book of the Bible opens with the creation of Heaven and Earth? 

What is the Bible Book of Genesis?


Add tracks, videos or brochures to your______  _____ to have ready for the ministry to present at the door.

What is the Teaching Tool Box?


In the video "Be Kind and Share", Caleb and Sophia fought over this.

What is a red toy car?  What is a red car?


Jehovah said: ‘If Pharaoh does not let my people go, the ________ of the Egyptians will become sick and die.’ The next day, the ______ began to die. But the ______ of the Israelites didn’t die. Still Pharaoh was stubborn, and he wouldn’t give in.

What are animals? 


He grew up in the house of Pharʹaoh, the ruler of Egypt. He became a very wise and great man. He knew that he was not an Egyptian, but that his real parents were Israelite slaves.

Who was Moses?


There are 9 ways to be Happy in this book of The Bible.

What is the Bible Book Matthew?


When we go back to speak with someone who shown interest, we can consider it a ________   _________.

What is a "Return Visit"


In the video "Pay Attention at the Meetings", the dad encouraged Caleb and Sophia with this Bible Characters example of paying attention.

Hint: Paying attention saved his life and his family only.

Who was Noah? or Who is Noah?


Jehovah sent _____, thunder, and fire. It was the worst ____ Egypt had ever seen. All the trees and crops were ruined, but not those in Goshen.

What is a hail storm? What is hail and a storm?


These two bible characters are the most important Israelites in the kingdom of Persia. One is the queen, and the other is second only to the king in power.

Who are Mordecai and Esther?


This book of the Bible includes this famous Quote:

 “Alas, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah!

I do not know how to speak,i for I am just a boy.”

What is the Bible Book of Jeremiah?

As we reach the heart of those in our ministry, our focus is to start a conversation that will lead to a _______  _______.

What is a "Bible Study?"


In the Video " Help Others" this idea Sophia and Caleb offered as their way to help was better than money.

What is pray for others?


Moses said: ‘Now ______will eat any and all plants that were  left in the fields and on the trees. Pharaoh pleaded: ‘Beg Jehovah to send these ______ away.’  

What are locusts?
