The Gilded Age
Mass Production
The Progressive Era
Primary Sources

What are 3 possible push factors of immigration?

War, poverty, dictatorship, discrimination, religious persecution, famine, unemployment


Describe living in a tenement.

Tenements were small, cramped, and unsanitary "apartments." Tenements had several people living in them at a given time, the people were often unrelated to one another. Most people living in tenements were immigrants, who would sometimes share the living space in shifts. Disease was easily spread from person to person due to the cramped living arrangements. 


What is mass production?

The production of a large quantity of goods 


What U.S. president is associated with the Progressive Era?

Theodore Roosevelt 


What immigration restriction is being depicted in this cartoon?

The Chinese Exclusion Act 


What are 3 possible pull factors of immigration?

Employment, safety, economic opportunity, freedom, family 


What is the purpose of labor unions? Give one example of a labor union during this time period.

Labor unions organized workers in order to fight for better wages and working conditions. 

Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor


Describe the process of the assembly line

An arrangement of workers and machines in a factory, where each worker deals with only one part of a product. The product passes from one worker to another until it is finished


What is a muckraker?

A type of journalist that exposes or uncovers problems in the United States such as dangerous living and working conditions, corruption, safety concerns, and more.


Which famous muckraker inspired this political cartoon?

Upton Sinclair


What was the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)?

The Chinese Exclusion Act prevented almost all Chinese immigration to the United States. This was the first time the U.S. restricted immigration based on race.


What is a monopoly?

When there is a single seller that controls all or the majority of a certain market.


Why is the assembly line harmful for workers?

The assembly line uses unskilled labor which allows for workers to be easily replaceable, extremely low wages, and unsafe working conditions   


What issues did the photos in Jacob Riis' How the Other Half Lives uncover?

Riis' photographs uncovered the unsafe, and unsanitary conditions of urban life and tenement living. 


What was Jacob Riis trying to accomplish by sharing this photograph with the American public?

Jacob Riis is attempting to use photography to uncover poor living conditions for immigrants in urban areas. 


Who were the old immigrants (1820-1880)? Who were the new immigrants (1880-1920)?

Old immigrants: Western and Northern Europeans (English, Irish, Scandinavians, Germans, and French)

New immigrants: Eastern and Southern Europeans

(Russians, Italians, Poles, Greeks, Jews)


What were the Robber Barrons? Give one example.

Successful business men of the late 1800s that became rich from unethical business practices. 

Andrew Carnegie (Steel Industry)

John D. Rockefeller (Oil Industry)

JP Morgan (Banking)

Cornelius Vanderbilt (Railroad Industry)


Why is the assembly line beneficial for business owners? 

Allows business owners to...

produce and sell more goods (more profit)

Pay their employees low wages

Easily replace employees 


What was a result that followed the publication of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

The Jungle exposed the unsanitary and unsafe conditions in the meat packing industry and inspired laws such as the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act.


The differences between these two buildings reflects which time period in the U.S.?

The Gilded Age 


What is nativism?

Promoting the interests of American citizens over those of immigrants, including by supporting immigration-restriction measures

(Think "America First")


What is a political machine? 


How does the assembly line influence American consumerism (the buying of goods) ?

The assembly line allows for the mass production of goods. When supply of a good is high, the price of the good decreases. This allows for more Americans to be able to buy goods they once could not afford (cars, and household appliances).  


What was the purpose of the Sherman-Anti Trust Act?

to maintain free competition in business and made it a crime to monopolize any part of trade or commerce.


The following quote is taken from a letter written by an Irish citizen during the potato famine. Does this demonstrate a push factor or a pull factor?

"We had nothing all yesterday, ) which was Sunday,) and this morning we had only a handful of yellow meal among us all, made into a stirabout, before I came out to work-- nothing more and nothing since. Sure this hunger will be the death of all of us. God have mercy upon me and my poor family."

Push factor 
