How many spirits are visiting Scrooge?
Truth or false.
Christmas is Scrooge's favorite time of the year
What famous christmas story did Dickens write?
A christmas carrol
What is Marley's first name?
What are the spirits representing?
They are representing the christmas of the past, the present and the future.
What is something Scrooge says a lot?
Which country is Dickens from?
How did Marley know Scrooge?
They were business partners
What is moral of the story?
Help other people Don't let greed take over you
Alle tre er rigtige
Is the spirit of Scrooge's past christmas showing Scrooge a happy christmas in the beginning?
Yes, and it makes Scrooge realize, how jolly he used to be
What have Scrooge lost in the beginning of the story?
His Christmas spirit
What inspired Dickens to write A Christmas Carrol based on the movie we saw about him?
His life
Was Marley like Scrooge or different when it comes to christmas?
He was exactly like Scrooge
What happens to Tiny Tom at the end
He survives because Scrooge starts changing his lifestyle and view on christmas and the poor
Which spirit is wearing a deep green robe bordered with white fur and a holly wreath on his head?
The spirit of the present christmas
What is Scrooge's full name?
Ebenezer Scrooge
How old were Charles Dickens when he past away?
58 years old
What object does Scrooge see Marley's face on in the beginning?
What is the name of Scrooge's nephew?
What is the spirits' purpose in visiting Scrooge?
To help him get christmas spirit and show him how to behave nicely
What is Scrooge opinion on helping the poor?
He doesn't care about them and he don't want the beggars to keep asking him for money
How many copies of the book A Christmas Carol was sold in the first 100 years?
Over 2 million copies were sold
What particularly thing is Marley wearing when he visits Scrooge?
The chains that he forged in life
Whose gravestone does the spirit of the christmas yet to come show Scrooge in the end?