What is the name of Scrooge's nephew?
How many ghosts does Jacob Marley say will visit Scrooge that night (besides himself)?
What time setting is the story set in?
It was in the 1840's, and it's Christmas Eve.
Define a Static Character and a Dynamic Character.
A static character is someone who stays the same over time (doesn't change) and a dynamic character is someone who experiences a change of heart over time (does change).
What information is revealed in the exposition of a plot?
Setting and Characters
Which ghost visits Scrooge first in the play?
The Ghost of Jacob Marley
When the Gentleman Visitor enters Scrooge's office, what does he ask for, and how does Scrooge respond?
The Gentleman Visitor asks for a donation of money for the poor. Scrooge refuses to give money. He says, “Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?” meaning he feels no need to give because he thinks those establishments meet the needs of the poor.
How long ago did Jacob Marley die?
7 years ago this day
What happens with the inciting event on any plot diagram?
Something about "normal life" for the character changes. This introduces a conflict and lanuches the story on a climb up the rising action.
What does Fred offer to the Cratchit family in Scene 5 when Bob tells him that Tiny Tim has died?
He offers a position for Peter at his work. He also offers his card telling Bob to let him know if they need anything.
Who raises a toast to Ebenezer Scrooge, "The founder of the feast"?
Bob Cratchit
What does the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come reveal about the potential future of the Cratchet Family?
Tiny Tim will die
In what town does the story take place?
Information in a play script that is italicized and in parentheses which gives details of setting/scenery, character description, props, or description of the character’s actions is called what?
Stage Directions
What Biblical connections are made in Scene 6 of the play?
A dove descends from heaven to the little girl dressed as the Mother Mary– similar to the dove descending on Jesus at his baptism. A baptism for Christians marks a change when Christians commit to repent from a life of sin and follow Jesus. This scene comes right before Scrooge wakes up a new man.
The Ghost of Christmas Present takes the form of what character, and who was the character in real life?
He takes the form of Mr. Fezziwig and he was young Ebenezer Scrooge's boss
Why does Young Ebenezer's Sweetheart return her engagement ring to him?
She has no dowry (no money) to bring and she knows MONEY is more important to Scrooge than their LOVE.
When the Gentleman Visitor enters the business in Scene 1, he must have read a sign on the building outside because what does he ask to Scrooge upon entering?
He asks if he is speaking to Scrooge or Marley (the two were in business together)
A character that provides a sharp contrast to the qualities of the main character(s) is called a what?
What is a THEME from A Christmas Carol?
Answers will vary:
Change is ALWAYS possible; Even the worst among us can change for the better; Generosity & goodwill make for a good life
At the top of Scene 6 when Scrooge is begging the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come to let Tiny Tim live, there is action described where a dove descends from heaven to a character. What character receives the dove, and who is the character dressed as?
The little girl receives the dove, and she is dressed as Mary, the mother of Jesus.
What are the Cook, the Charwoman, & Sparsit doing and talking about at the beginning of Scene 5? Why are they doing this?
They are taking Scrooge’s belongings and laughing about how terrible he was and how they’re better off now. They’re doing this because Scrooge is dead.
What significant details are different about the setting inside Scrooge’s office vs. outside Scrooge’s office? What contrasting moods are created by these details?
Inside Scrooge’s Office: “Merry Christmas” is replied to with “BAH!” Scrooge is rude to everyone. It is a cheerless place.
Outside Scrooge’s Office: People are singing Christmas Carols, playing, dancing, sliding down ice slides, and generally having a merry time.
Contrasting Moods: Dreary/Sad/Oppressive inside Scrooge’s
Happy/Festive/Cheerful outside Scrooge’s
Define these three terms:
Playwright - author of the play
Props - items used by actors onstage that can be easily carried
Scenery - items on stage that help create the setting
Monologue - one character speaks for a long time (uninterrupted)
Dialogue - lines in a script exchanged by two or more characters
What does each Spirit of Christmas represent or symbolize?
Answers will vary:
Spirit of Christmas Past - innocence, memory, regret
Spirit of Christmas Present - Empathy, self discovery, generosity & goodwill
Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come - Fear & Death