What position will Mrs. Linde accept?
A job at the bank – Krogstad's position.
What was Mrs. Linde and Krogstad's relationship in the past?
They used to be a couple.
What does Nora perform at the ball?
The Tarantella
True or False: Torvald calls Mrs. Linde "a bore"/ boring.
This is true. He says this to Nora after Mrs. Linde leaves.
Who had to give up her child to take a job?
The children's nurse -- Anne Marie
Why doesn't Mrs. Linde want Krogstad to take the letter back?
She feels Torvald needs to know the truth and work past their issue.
What does Nora attempt to do while Torvald is reading Krogstad's blackmail letter?
She attempts to sneak out of the front door to escape.
What is the food Torvald forbids Nora to have?
What does Dr. Rank say he will go as to the next fancy dress party?
He will go as invisible.
What does Krogstad send to Nora at the end of the play?
The original loan agreement and an apology.
What is Nora's reason for forging her father's name on the loan agreement?
Saving her husband's life
What is Torvald's reaction to Nora's crime?
anger, concern about himself, calls her stupid/foolish woman
Who broke the news to Torvald about Dr. Rank's impending death?
Nora broke this news after receiving Dr. Rank's card with the black cross.
What does Dr. Rank send to tell Nora to tell of his impending death?
Two calling cards with black crosses
What miracle was Nora hoping for?
That Torvald would defend her and take the blame
After learning about the forgery, what does Torvald plan for Nora's future?
She will not be allowed to be alone with the children, but she will continue to live there for "appearances".
Is Krogstad regretful for what he's done to Nora and Torvald?
He is. He wishes he could somehow undo all of this.
What does Torvald do with the IOU document/bond after it gets delivered to the house?
He threw it in the fire to destroy the evidence of Nora's crime.
What symbol represents Nora in both her relationship with her father and Torvald?
A "doll" to entertain and amuse them
Why does Torvald "forgive" Nora?
Because Krogstad is not going to go through with his plan – he returns the bond and apologises