What is the biggest animal on earth
Blue whale
What are the top three most popular fast food rests in the world
How many states are in the world
Fall is also called
what is the average human life
72 years
Are sharks color blind
What is MCDonald’s most rarest order
Wagyu beef burger
What is the Capitle of New Mexico
Santa Fe
What day is Christmas on
sunday December 24
Does your sweat help you cool down
Why do some animals play dead
Jesé do asa defense to trick a predator
What are the most popular 2 orders in mcdonlads
Fries and McNuggets
What is the state Mammal of New Mexico
White-tailed deer
What is Memorial Day for
Honoring the men and women who died while serving in the u.s. military
Do your ears keep growing
Why do some animals glow in the dark
So it’s easier for a predator to lure in pray
How many rates does chick fil a have
4 and a half rates
You can see how many states from the top of capulin volcano
5 states
When did president day start
Did we invent math or did we discover it
It was invented
what is the largest snake on earth
Green anaconda
What is McDonald’s best order
What is New Mexico’s state animal
Golden eagle
How old is Santa
How many bones and joints do you have in your big toe
2 bones and 1 joint