Literary Devices
When was the author born and how could this influence the story?
1954-This influences the story because the father in his books might have experienced the same things as the Japanese veterans from WWII.
Describe the relationship between the narrator and his father. What is Kazuo Ishiguro telling us about the rising generation?
They seem separated not only by their age but also by their beliefs. Father is more traditional and may or may not believe in the Japanese tradition of honor suicide. Kazuo Ishiguro is telling us that in the current generation, traditions and culture are being lost.
"She's a good girl."
What is the name of the fish and what is the fish's significance?
Fugu-The fugu is a symbol of death. It is the means of death for the mother and also is possibly in the food at the end of the story.
Find an example of the author describing the setting on page 632. What could the “thick foliage” represent?
I think the foliage shows how he has moved on from being a child and on to being a man. They also could symbolize his growth and development.
Where was Kazuo Ishiguro born and how does this influence the story?
Kazuo was born in Nagasaki nine years after it was bombed. This influences the story because he was born in a place that was highly affected by WWII. This shows itself when the father in the book talks about how he was in the navy and how he would have died for his country.
What and why does father say he would have rather done than sail? Do you agree with his thoughts?
He would rather fly an "aeroplane" because you always have a final weapon.
"I can't see any ghosts, you were lying to me all that time." What could the ghosts represent?
Kikuko-I think that the ghost might have been a premonition of his mother's death, somehow seen when he was a child.
What is the color of the mother's kimono? What could Kazuo Ishiguro be teling us about the mother?
White- This could mean that since she has died, she has been made pure or white. Since she might have committed suicide, Kazuo Ishiguro is saying that honor suicides bring purity in the Japanese culture.
Find a flashback on page 632. What does this tell us about the father?
The father would rather keep his feelings to himself than talk about them. This is also shown when Kikuko says “you can never tell with father.”
What was Kazuo Ishiguro's first novel?
A Pale View of Hills
Why did mother eat the fugu even though she said she wouldn't? What does this tell us about Kazuo Ishiguro's view of society?
She ate the fugu because she did not want to offend a school friend. One theme that this could bring out is that people should not always do what society asks because it might not be the best/safest thing.
"Who is that in that photograph there?"
What did father make a plastic model of and what is its significance?
He made a model of a boat. It shows that he is mellowing out because he is making plastic boats.
In the final sentence, what word could possibly foreshadow the family’s death?
How many novels did Kazuo Ishiguro write?
Do you think that the father used fugu to poison the supper? Give your reasoning behind it.
I do not believe that the father poisoned the food because he thought that Watanabe was mistaken in killing his family. Also, after the food is served, he asks his son if he wants to stay with him. He would not have asked that if he had known that they would all soon be dead.
"If you wish to stay here, I mean here in this house you would be very welcome." Do you think that the narrator will want to stay?
I believe that the narrator will leave because he seems to almost fear his father. He cannot read his father and doesn't know what he is thinking. He also does not believe in the ancient Japanese traditions like honor suicides.
In what season does this story take place and what is significant about this?
Autumn- It is the changing of seasons and it represents the changing of the Japanese traditions to a more modern approach.
What do you think is the resolution.
This story really has no resolution, the biggest question is never answered.