Pronounce "Star" in Deutsch
Der Stern
Pronounce "Angel" in Deutsch
Der Engel
2 Part Question. Each worth 100 points.
Question 1: Was ist ein "Sternsinger?"
Question 2: What religion usually partakes in this tradition?
1: A star singer. (A German Christmas caroler.)
2: It is a predominately Catholic tradition.
How often is a new Christkind chosen?
Every year a new Christkind is chosen.
In a traditional Adventskalendar, how many gifts do you receive?
Was ist das Christkind?
The Christchild
Was ist eine Kerze?
A candle.
How do you pronounce "Merry Christmas" in Deutsch.
Frohe Weihnachten
Name 3 German Christmas Songs
Each correct answer is worth 200 points.
Possible Answers. (If one guessed is not in this list, teacher is judge. HOWEVER, if a team guesses Faliz Navidad, they lose 600 points. If a team guesses Weiße Weihnacht, they lose 200 points. The song was not originally German, only translated due to popularity.)
Stille Nacht
O' Tannenbaum
Alle Jahre Wieder
Ihr Kinderlein kommet
Kling, Glöckchen
When is the Christmas tree usually revealed in Germany?
Christmas Eve
Wann ist das Neujahr?
January 1st
Was ist der Tannenbaum?
A Christmas tree, usually consisting of fir.
Wer ist der Weihnactsmann?
Father Christmas
2 Part. Each question worth 200 points.
1. What does "Erste Fiertag" translate to in English?
2. What is another name for Erste Fiertag?
1. First celebration
2. Christmas Day
On what day do most Germans exchange presents?
Christmas Eve
Pronounce "Christmas Card" in Deutsch
Die Weihnachtskarte
Daily Double!
Wann ist der Heiligabend?
December 24th.
When does the Christmas market officially open in Germany?
The Nürnberg Christkind officially opens it on the Friday before Advent starts.
Describe how the Christkind is usually dressed.
She wears a long white and gold dress
Long blond curly hair
Wears a gold crown
Sometimes has wings like an angel.
During the Christmas season, many Americans participate in this German tradition.
Hint: It has to do with the windows of their houses.
Placing electric candles in their house windows.
Pronounce "sleigh" in Deutsch
Der Schlitten
Pronounce "Christmas song" in Deutsch
Das Weihnachtlied
About how many jobs does the Nürnberg Christkind have?
She has about 150 jobs!
What is often served as the main course for a German Christmas meal?
Carp or Goose
Germany makes this for the Christmas season, and it is perhaps one of the most famous German decorations.
Hint: Many are sold at Germany's famous Christmas Markets.
Glass Ornaments