Alternative Pathways
More on Pathways

You need 5 credits at our school to be promoted to a sophomore.

False. 5.5 ( 1 ELA, 1 math) 


Name one of the alternative pathways/Career Tech pathways that our students will use to graduate for the classes of 2017-2018,2018-2019, 2019-2020 if they do not receive their 18 EOC points. 

Well.....OUR school will focus on the 

a) Ohio Means Jobs Work Readiness Seal 

b) RISE Up (Retail Industry Skills & Ed) Customer Care Credential ( 9 pts:  Introduction to Customer Service and Sales, Retail Fundamentals and an Advance Customer Care course- and MOS word for 3 pts) 

c) MOS credential- ( 12 pts- each part of MOS is worth 3 points. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook. 

d) We will incorporate STNA, CDA and Construction (Jan. 20). More info forthcoming)


Graduation will be held on?

It was on June 10, 2020, but the new date will be forthcoming.  ( Prom will also be in May)


True/False-Graduation options for Class of 2020 have been modified. 

True-Recent legislation extended additional graduation options to the classes of 2019 and 2020. Please note, state law modified the criteria available for the class of 2020 and not all of the original criteria are available to students in the class of 2020. ( See handouts)


How many 15 year old students do we have? 

As of July 25th-9 students


Our credit goal for the 2019-2020 school year is....

at least 700


True/False: Meeting the Work Readiness Requirements affords the student a seal that goes on the transcript and can be counted as one of the graduation pathways. 



What is a cohort? How many cohorts do we have in our school?

"A cohort is a group of students who enter the ninth grade for the first time together with the expectation of graduating within four years." We have  7  cohorts. If a particular OGT student returns, we will have 8.


To graduate with an Industry Credential, students need the following:

1. Total of 12 points in the credential of choice (ie-MOS -4 parts, so 3 pts each)

2. Workkeys Assessment- 3 Subtests- Math, Literacy, and Locating Information. Minimum score of 3 for each.

c/o 2019- total score of 13 pts

c/o 2020-total score of 14 pts


Total enrollment as of 7/25/19

100 students


True/False-Students can earn 11th/12th grade English, math and science credits for being enrolled in a career tech program

True-We will offer classes such as construction math, Life science (anatomy), applied communications...  the complete course listings will be in DASL soon and additional information will be provided in the "Career Tech Manual."


True or False. 2 mentors are needed for a student to meet the work readiness seal requirement.

False, 3 are needed, two of them can be a staff members at our school, and the third member must be from an outside of school organization. 


Which graduation cohorts/ classes count on our report card?

2017-2018, 2018-2019


What are the 3 pathways to graduate in 2020?

1. Ohio State Tests (18 out 35 pts)

2. Industry Credential/Workkeys

3. Remediation Free ACT/SAT scores-in math and English. ( see specific colleges for details)


What is our FTE ( full-time equivalent enrollment) goal for the October count? 

145 students


True/False: Students need to complete 60% of every class to earn credit. 

False- 11th /12th grade classes which are usually not EOC classes can be closed out at 60% completion as long as the student has earned at least a 60% in the class. 

*There are also other cases that can be discussed with our Academic Coaches. 


A student still needs to pass the OGT... what options do they have if they have exhausted all 3 attempts and can not earn a proficient score of 400?

1. Successfully Complete a College Class- in Science and Social Studies only

2. Pass Industry Credential/ Certification/Workkeys

3. Proficient score on EOC- in subject area needed

4. Remediation-fee scores on ACT/SAT- math, reading, and writing only


How many graduates do you think we will have?

As long as our students complete 20 credits, earn 18+ EOC points, and/or an industry credential or complete an alternative pathway, we shall have many graduates. (so hopefully 30)  


True/False: If a student does not earn 18 EOC points, they can not graduate.

False: We will offer at least 2 of these options.... ( there are 9 in total)

1. OMJ work readiness seal

2. 3-12 pts on industry credential:Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) , State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA), Construction, and ( Childcare Development Associate) CDA  and Rise Up Customer Care.

3. Capstone- see guidance, toolkit and rubric

4. Work/Community Service Hrs- see guidance and toolkit

5. Workkeys total score of at least 9 on 3 subtests

6. College Credit Plus- at least 3 credit hours 

*** At least 2 attempts needed on Math and English EOC assessments,  if a score of 3 or higher was not attained.


How many students are over the age of 19? How can we retain them through-out the school year?

There are 23 students currently enrolled that are 19 years of age or older. More birthdays this fall.... check your homeroom lists.  

Retention Ideas:


DOUBLE Jeopardy:

How many elective credits does a student earn for attending our school 15 days and for attending 45 days? ( This is under the CBI program, which there will be no funding for this year)

How many credits can a student earn for working 60 hours? What is maximum total of work credits that can be earned?

15 days- 0.5 credit , 45 days- 1 credit

60 hours of work= 0.5 credit, up to 2 credits for the academic year


True or False: Checking the trackers are the best way to stay informed of student credits and pathways

Yes, indeed! Course History in DASL also gives you an idea of how many credits students have. 


We can graduate many students as long as we posses these 4 CORE values.... what are they?

Being- Innovative, Authentic, Committed, and Driven


What strategies have you used in the past to get students to earn credits to graduate?

We are all listening....


Yard signs, door hang tags....any other cool marketing items/ideas we need? 

We are all listening...... 

Now let's welcome Mr. Lowther!!!!
