What type of dog is Lucky?
Black Lab
Who said, "But when you pretend, life can be anyway you want it to be."
What does Lily do to earn money?
Paint Bee houses
What is the name of the tool used to harvest blueberries?
Blueberry rake or picker
How does Hannah help Salma prepare for the pageant?
She lends her a dress and teaches her how to answer the questions.
Describe Lucky's disability.
She has cataracts so her vision is cloudy.
Which character complained about how hard it is to be a regular kid after being someone special?
What 5 pointed shape is on the top of each blueberry?
A star.
Why doesn't Lily feel like Hannah is her best friend anymore?
All Hannah wants to talk about is boys and she has changed.
How was Lucky caught when he got loose?
He heard the crackle of Salma's chips bag and ran toward it.
Who said, "Now let me have a quick look at Lucky's eyes."
Dr. Katz, the vet
How did Lily's Memere say she should thank Salma?
By bringing a pork pie
What blueberry food did Salma suggest they sell at the blueberry festival?
Blueberry enchiladas
So Lucky could have his operation faster.
What did Salma say was best for Lucky?
Another dog. Dogs live in packs and another dog could lead Lucky around.
Who said, "Nope. Today I plan to be reckless and crazy.
How did Lily help Salma using the bee houses?
Lily carried the bee houses out on stage during the pageant to help Salma's talent portion of the competition.
What 4 colors can blueberries come in?
Red, Purple, Pink, Black
Give an example of how Lily's mom supports her even though she is no longer alive.
Lily felt her mom encouraging her to buy a booth for the blueberry fair.
What did Pepere say we could learn from dogs?
They don't keep looking backwards at what they lost asking 'why me?' They just move on and find a new way to be happy again.
How did Salma help Lily with the bee houses?
Salma helped by painting them in a unique way which sold more than ever.
Name 3 things that happen at the blueberry festival.
Parade, pageant, booths that sell blueberry foods and other items
Why did Salma's family have to share a kitchen with several families?