This is OPs first name.
What is Jacob?
This OP emote is followed by a user's full name.
What is areyou14Stare?
This JB sniper is a mod, and makes music.
Who is Lilexe? (also check out his new album its probably out by now!!)
This famous game blew up in 2020.
What is A M O G U S
This is the artist of Funkytown.
Who is Lipps Inc?
This is the name of OP's dog.
Who is Maja?
This is used when the streamer doesn't know.
What is PepeLaugh?
This viewer is the grandma of OP's streams.
Who is Daleessi?
This is the sub alert and a famous meme in the community.
What is oooooooooooo papa?
This is where Emperor Penguins can be found.
What is the Antarctic?
This is OPs birthday.
What is September 24th?
This emote is in OP's background setup.
What is YEP?
This regular is the youngest viewer with VIP.
Who is Joao?
This body fluid copypasta is a certain type of music.
What is the funky smelling urine?
This was the year Pluto was exiled from the Solar System :sadge:
What is 2006?
This is OPs favourite food.
What is Schnitzel?
This emote followed by a keyboard character are used to represent a salute.
What is TriHard 7 (can we get some TriHard 7s in chat?)
This is how many subs Geno has gifted.
What is 40?
These 3 words are often used to describe OP, the points are not given if the order is wrong.
What is furry femboy vampire?
This was the year Among Us was released.
What is 2018?
This is the day OP began streaming.
What is 18th July, 2019?
This emote used to be spammed away at ease.
What is LULW?
This is my [Savo's] birthday.
What is January 16th?
The first real meme we had was a misspelling of a word during STI.
What is Negbors?
This was the year Twitch was founded.
What is 2011?