❝Alcohol Intake❞
❝Effects of Alcohol❞
❝Avoiding Alcohol❞

The state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person's physical and mental control is significantly reduced.

▹ Intoxication ◃


Excessive alcohol use over a prolonged period of time can ___________ most body systems.

▹ damage ◃


The excessive use of alcohol is __________.

▹ alcohol abuse. ◃


_________ is a disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol.

▹ Alcoholism ◃


Teens who drink are more likely to...

A. Be involved in fights

B. Be victims or perpetrators of violent crimes

C. Become in sexual active at an early age

D. None of the above

E. All of the above 



TRUE OR FALSE: Companies that produce alcohol beverages spend billions of dollars on supporting bars and liquor stores.

▹ FALSE: Companies that produce alcohol beverages spend billions of dollars to advertise and sell their products. ◃


Alcohol use can cause a cardiovascular change called _________ that damages the heart and can cause heart attack and stroke.

▹ high blood pressure ◃


Name three reason why avoiding alcohol is good for you.

1. Maintaining a healthy body.

2. Make responsible decisions.

3. Avoiding illegal activities and risky behavior.


The process of learning to live an alcohol-free life is called __________.

▹ recovery. ◃


TRUE OR FALSE: Females because intoxicated faster and stay that way longer than do males of comparable size.

▹ TRUE: Females have a higher percentage of body fat and less water in their bodies than males. As a result, alcohol in females is less diluted and has a stronger and more lasting effect. ◃


What does BAC stand for?

▹ BAC stands for blood alcohol concentration


_________ learn to ignore their own needs and focus their energy and emotions on the needs of the alcoholic.

▹ Codependents ◃


Choose the BEST  answer on how can parents help teens be alcohol-free?

A. They can store their alcohol in a high cabinet.

B. If they ubstain alcohol, their teens will most likely will do the same.

C. They can heat up the alcohol for their children so it doesn't effect them.

D. They can just not have kids.

▹ B. If they obstain alcohol, their teens will most likely will do the same. ◃


Name one of 3 stages of alcoholism.

▹ 1. Abuse 2. Dependence 3. Addiction ◃


When a teen chooses to fit in a group by drinking alcohol.

▹ Peer pressure ◃


Rapid ________ ________ is especially dangerous because it is possible to consume a fatal dose of alcohol.

▹ binge drinking ◃


TRUE OR FALSE: Alcohol use can contribute to a fatty liver, lining of the pancreas, or infection of the liver.

▹ TRUE ◃


(Name at least 1) Teens who break the law of buying, possessing, or consuming alcohol can be _________, _________, and _________.

▹ arrested, fined, and sentenced to a youth detention center. ◃


TRUE OR FALSE: The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry reports that children of alcoholics are two hundred times more likely than other children to become alcoholics.

▹ FALSE: The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry reports that children of alcoholics are four times more likely than other children to become alcoholics. ◃


The chemical action of yeast on sugars.

▹ Fermentation ◃


Name at least two symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

▹ 1. irregular heartbeat 2.hypothermia or low body temperature 3. severe dehydration from vomiting 4. slow respiration 5. mental confusion ◃


One of the long term effects of excessive alcohol consumption that takes place is called ___________. (Hint: The definition of this term is when the liver tissue is replaced with a useless scar tissue; the disease can lead to liver failure and death unless a liver transplant is performed)

▹ Cirrhosis ◃


Name two of three things that you can do if you find yourself in a situation in which alcohol is present.

▹ 1. refuse to drink 2. leave the situation quickly 3. call for a ride home. ◃


Name at least one symptom an alcoholic might display.

▹ 1. craving 2. loss of control 3. physical dependence 4. tolerance 5. health, family, and legal problems. ◃


Two thirds of victims who encounter _________ _________ report that alcohol was a factor in the crime.

▹ domestic violence ◃
