English as a Global Language
The History of English
Child Language Acquisition
English and The Self
How many English speakers are there worldwide?

A. 1.5 billion

B. 950 million

C. 2 billion

The answer is A! There are 1.5 billion English speakers in the world.


What is the name of the oldest type of English? 

A. Early English

B. Shakespeare English 

C. Old English

The answer is C! The oldest form of English was called Old English.


When do children begin acquiring language? 

A. Before birth 

B. At 6 months 

C. At 2 months

The answer is A! Babies recognize language they have heard their mothers speak when they are in the womb.


What does CAT stand for?

A. Conversation Advancement Technology 

B. Communication Accommodation Theory 

C. Cognitive Approach Theory

The answer is B! 


How many exam papers does the WHOLE English A Level course have? Both AS and A2 (Year 12 and 13).

A. 5 papers 

B. 2 papers 

C. 4 papers

The answer is C! Students take 2 papers during their Year 12 course, and the next two exam papers in Year 13.


How much online media is in English?

A. 50% 

B. 65% 

7. 30%

The answer is B! 65% of online media is in English.

Which country DOES NOT have much influence on the English language? 

A. French 

B. Russian 

C. Latin

The answer is B! Russian has little to no influence on the English language.


How many words can a child normally say before the age of 2? 

A. 500 words 

B. 100 words

C. 200 words 

The answer is C! A child has a vocabulary of around 200 words before their 2nd birthday.

Someone's speech patterns and language usage can be discriminated against. True or false?
True! Many people are prejudice and judgmental to other types of language features different from their own.

How much time do students have to complete the exams?

A. 1-2 hours (depending on which paper)

B. 2-2 hours and 15 minutes (depending on which paper) 

C. Each exam is 2 hours and 30 minutes long 

The answer is B! 1 Year 12 paper is 2 hours long, while the rest of the exams last 2 hours and 15 minutes.

There are more NATIVE speakers than NON-NATIVE speakers. True or false? 

False! There are 765 NON-NATIVE speakers and 350 NATIVE speakers of English in the world.


Which event caused a large in-flux of French words to be added to the English language?

A. 1066 Norman Conquest

B. 1940 World War II 

C. 1783 French Revolution

The answer is A! In 1066 the Norman French soldiers invaded and conquered the UK. 


How many words do children learn per week (approx)? 

A. 20 words 

B. 30-40 words 

C. 5-10 words 

The answer is C! Usually, children learn around 5-10 words per week during the beginning stages of language learning.

The language pattern associated with certain social groups. 

A. Sociolect

B. Accent

C. Dialect

The answer is A!


Can you guess the name of the English we use TODAY?

Our current English is called Present Day English.


Name 5 countries in which English holds the title of their native language.

The 5 countries are: USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.


English is known as a Germanic language. True or false? 

True! The English language has German roots. 


By the age of 5, children usually understand how to use the conditional tense. E.g If I put my shoes on, we can go get ice cream. True or false?

True! Children at this age usually understand that one idea can affect another.


Males are more likely to use non-standard, incorrect language than females. True or false?

True! There are higher levels of non-standard language usage from men, while women tend to speak with more correct and proper language.


What is a synonym (word that has the same meaning) for the term "words". Hint: starts with an L 

The answer is LEXIS! Lexis refers to language vocabulary.


Name the European country in which 93% of the population speaks their main language AND English fluently.

The answer is The Netherlands! 


What does the term "phonology" mean? 

A. Sentence structure 

B. Pronunciation of words 

C. Types of punctuation 

The answer is B! Phonology is used to describe how words are pronounced. 

Children can learn language by watching TV, just like they learn language by reading books. True or false?

False! TV has no benefit for young children during the process of language learning.


Does language change due to societal changes? 

The answer is yes! Language changes and words are created to fit the values and norms of society.


In the USA, many languages are spoken. English is the MAIN language and has the highest percentage of speakers. What is 1 other language that threatens English's title of MOST SPOKEN LANGUAGE IN THE US, due to immigration.

The answer is Spanish! Many people from Central and South America migrate to the USA and continue speaking in Spanish.
