What is the rarest M&M color?
What is the most spoken language in the world?
Trivia Question: What are the 3 Staley rules?
be safe, be respectful, be responsible
Trivia Question: What is the fastest land animal?
Name 3 Math teachers at Staley Middle School
Ms. Oman, Ms. Brown, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Davis, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Aguilar, Mr. K, Mrs. Liu
Trivia Question: What is the common name for dried plums?
Who was the first basketball star to appear on a box of cereal?
Michael Jordan
Trivia Question: What does the "c" in "CHAMPS" stand for?
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a bee have? 2,4,5,or 6
Trivia Question: Wat does H20 stand for?
Which American city is most famous for its deep-dish pizza?
Trivia Question: Who won the 2024 Grammy for "Best Album"?
Taylor Swift
Trivia Question: What are the names of the Staley Principal and Assistant Principals?
Dr. Mira, Mrs. McLain, and Mr. Walen
Trivia Question: Which mammal has no vocal cords? Gorilla, coyote, monkey, or giraffe
What is ‘Baby Yoda’s’ real name?
Of all the teenage mutant ninja turtles, Michaelangelo loves this Italian-American food the best.
Who played in the 2023 Super Bowl?
Chiefs vs Eagles
Trivia Question: What days of the week do we have block periods?
Wednesday and Thursday
What bird can fly backward?
A Hummingbird
What is the capital of India?
New Delhi
Which country is the biggest exporter of coffee beans worldwide?
“You’re gonna need a bigger boat” is an iconic quote from which 1975 movie?
Trivia Question: What is the procedure for going to the restroom?
hold up the "R" restroom sign, then create an ehall pass on your Chromebook
What is the first monster Percy Jackson defeats in The Lightning Thief?
The Minotaur
The Lakers are tied with what other NBA team with 17 Championships?
Boston Celtics
What is the difference between a latte and cappuccino?
Cappuccino has more foam
Trivia Question: What is Eminem’s real name?
Marshall Mathers
Who is Staley Middle School named after?
Benton A. Staley
What is the largest living species of lizard?
The Komodo dragon
Trivia Question: Who, in 1903, was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
Marie Curie