POV in Literature
Mood/Tone in Literature
Character Traits
Theme in Literature
Geniuses Only!

The four points of view in literature

What is: First Person

Second Person

Third Person Limited

Third Person Omniscient


A literary element that evokes a certain feeling or vibe in the reader through words and descriptions.

What is the mood.


The main character that changes throughout a story 

What is the protagonist 


The abstract subject to which the author is commenting in a work of literature

What is the thematic topic


"The red rose rotted when the requiem of rebellion raged through the red rustic barn" is an example of what literary device 

What is alliteration


A rare pov found in the narrative, and usually shows its face in recipes and create your own ending type stories.

What is Second Person POV


This indicates the author's attitude or feelings about what they have written.

What is the tone.


This character is in opposition with the protagonist

What is the antagonist


A statement created by the reader, based off the abstract thematic topic relating to an author’s belief system.

What is a thematic statement


The pseudonym that Agatha Christie used when writing her six romance novels.

What is Mary Westmacott


This point of view is typically used when a character narrates a story, and contains pronouns such as: I or me. 

What is First Person POV


The major difference between the mood and tone of a literary work.

The tone is the author's attitude toward a subject, then mood is how we are made to feel as readers, or the emotion evoked by the author.


This type of character is simple and uninteresting, and usually does not change throughout the story.

What is a flat character 


This is the underlying message which transcends cultural barriers. It is a universal message which touches on the human experience regardless of race or language. It gives depth and meaning to literature.

What is the theme


A figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined together to create an effect.

What is an oxymoron


The major difference between Third Person Limited and Omniscient POV

What is in limited the reader understands the story from one character's pov, omniscient is when the reader knows all the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the work.


One way a  writer develops the mood of a piece.

What is: word choice, dialogue, sensory details, descriptions, plot complications


This character is complex, fully developed and reminds the reader of an actual person.

What is a round character


The idea of love is an example of what in literature.

What is a thematic topic


A fire station burning down is an example of what type of literary device

What is situational irony


The POV used in, And Then There Were None.

What is Third Person Omniscient 


Diction, syntax, imagery, diction, and figurative language are all used to covey this in a literary piece. 

What is: tone


This is the major difference between a dynamic and static character.

What is how the character grows or changes in a story. Dynamic characters grow and change; they are interesting. A flat character does not grow and change - they usually stay stagnant throughout.


The idea that, "Love creates a passion which can drive one to insanity" is an example of what in literature.

What is a thematic statement


Why is this incorrect?

Mariah’s mother asked her husband, “where are you planning on keeping this elephant?”

It is incorrect because the first word spoken by a character in dialogue is always capitalized, even if it occurs in the middle of a larger sentence.
