The protagonist of the story in 1985.
Who is Salva.
The sign post is when the older character of the story give the younger character of the story life advice that could be helpful throughout life.
What is Words Of The Wiser.
The perspective or hour the author tells the story.
What is POV.
The Religion of the north in ALWTW.
What is Islam.
The Protagonist of the story in 2008.
Who is Nya.
The signpost is when the protagonist realizes something.
What is Aha Moment.
The narrative is written in I,Me,My, and We" Protagonist is the narrator.
What is 1st Person POV.
The Large Religion in the south in ALWTW.
What is Christianity.
The person Salva meets when getting honey.
Who is Buksa
The Sign Post when the Protagonist remembers something from the past that can be relevant to the story.
What is Memory Moment.
The narrative is Written in "You" the protagonist is the reader.
What is 2nd Person POV.
The Religion of Nya's Tribe.
What is Nuer.
The person that was calling salva´s name at the camp.
Who is Salva´s Uncle.
The sign post that a phrase or word appears over and over again.
What is Again And Again.
Narrative is written using names and pronouns "He,She,They,Them."the protagonist and narrator are different.
What is 3rd Person POV.
The Religion of Salva's Tribe.
What is Dinka.
The person that Salva stepped on at the camp.
Who is Marial.
The signpost where the Protagonist is questioning themselves or contemplates a dilema.
The POV ALWTW is written in.
What is 3rd Person.
The people of the lions.
What is Atuot.