Nya's Story
Salva's Story
Southern Sudan
Making Inferences
More Inferences


How many trips did Nya take to the pond each day?



Why was Salva worried about traveling to Ethiopia?

He was afraid his family would not find him


The name for the tribe Marial is from



Salva was scared to death of the gunshots that he heard while inside the school. What can you infer about his character?

He has never experienced violence before.


When Salva decides that the group will walk to Kenya, he becomes the leader of the group.  Why doesn’t Salva leave them behind to make sure he stays safe?

Salva does not want to treat the other boys the way he was treated after he had to leave his village


Who is the Chief in Nya's village?

Her uncle


Why doesn't Salva attend school year-round

During the dry season, his family moved away from the village.


Why was there a war in Sudan?

The government wanted all of Sudan to become Muslim, but the people in the south had different religions and did not want to practice Islam.


Nya got a thorn stuck in her foot on her journey, but dug it out and kept walking. What can you infer about what kind of person she is?

She is determined, hardcore, etc.


Why does Uncle tell Salva to not give water to the men?

he is too small and would not survive


What is the most likely reason the drill referred to in Chapter 12 is called the iron giraffe?

The drill bit has a long neck like a giraffe


What did the old woman give Salva when he left with the other Dinka?

bag of peanuts and a gourd for drinking


According to the book, what is the official language of the Sudanese government?



Salva recognized the person as Dinka because of the scars on their face. This person cared for him and helped him on his journey. What can you infer about Dinka culture from this fact?

Dinka use the scars to recognize each other, they care about those in the same tribe as them


Salva and Marial didn't even mind the bee stings that they got from the honey. What can you infer about this situation.

They were starving and appreciative of the honey.  It is a rare thing to eat, especially in this time.


Why did Nya believe the men would not find water in the spot the man pointed out?

She knew there was not water on the surface to collect the water.


How many boys did Salva lead to Kenya?

1,200 boys


Why was the refugee camp closing?

The government was near collapse


Nya's mom tells her to take her younger sister Akeer with her on her journey to get water one day. After protesting, Nya is obedient and takes her sister. What can you infer from this quote about culture?

It is important to be obedient to your parents; it is important for young people to begin learning their responsibilities early.


The nurse gave Nya's family a suggestion to boil the water before they drink it. Will this work for Nya's family? Yes or No. Explain your answer

There is very limited access to the amount of clean water they will able to boil. By the time it's ready, most of it would have evaporated. 


What can we infer is being built in Nya's village?

a well/ or pump to get water


What unwittingly saved Salva from being killed when he crossed the Gilo River?

A soldier shot a boy, who was drowning Salva.


These two tribes are constantly in conflict over water

Who are the Nuer and Dinka

Both Nya and Salva are combatting adversity for the sake of their families. What can you infer about family in their culture?
Family is the most important thing in life/culture

The place that the "Lost Boys" were fleeing to from the war.

