What country did Black Death start in?
China, Asia
Were the doctors evil?
No. They are doctors.
True or False
Symptoms of the black plague showed right away.
The reason of why Black death was so wicked was because symptoms would not show till it was to late. One day you could be perfectly healthy, the next, dead!
True or False
Social distancing took place in order to stop the spread.
What is the estimate of casualties from the plague?
25-200 million deaths
How did the plague spread around so quickly?
Rats. Rats infested in Europe and Asia. There were so many Rats that people became numb to the site of seeing rats.
Did the doctors masks and cloaks work by not allowing them to get infected?
No. The mask worked like a homemade Halloween costume, not good enough.
What was Four Thieves Vinegar considered by people at the time?
A potion. There is a difference between a potion and a cure.
True or False
Most families stayed strong during the plague by staying together.
Families and friends spilt apart trying to escape the plague from hell. But only a few were successful.
Were there ghost towns after the plague?
Black Death killed so many people that great towns and city's became ghost towns. People to this day are still finding some scattered across countries.
How many people died in Asia in 1346?
20 million
Where did doctors but the dead bodies?
Doctors put the dead in trolly and caried them out of the city to be be burned.
What were some (list more then 3) of the symptoms of Black Death.
The symptoms of the plague were:
Fever, headache, chills and big black lumps on the skin, hence the name Black Death.
Why did farmers perish worse then others in the plague?
Because al their livestock died and there were no buyers to buy their grain and flour.
When did the plague start and when did it end? Also, How long was it?
The plague started in 1346 and lasted to 1353. That is 7 years of terror.
Where did the merchant ships lay anchor? (Where did they go to)
Messina, Sicily
Why did the doctors mask have a long beak like a crow?
It was long because it had to fit the herbs that were believed to catch the plague every time the doctors breathed in.
What is bloodletting?
Bloodletting is a thought cure were the doctor would pop the lumps in hope it would simply go away. This did not work. It just infected the victims blood and gave them more lumps.
During the plague could water become poisoned?
How did humans beat Black Death?
By quarantine, killing rats that were inside there houses and getting better at hygiene.
How many merchant ships arrived in Italy?
Why did doctors carry a stick with them?
Doctors carried a stick with them to poke at the ill to see if they were still alive. Contact with the sick was a last resort.
True or False
Theriac was a cure for the poor.
It was for the rich, Involved over eighty ingredients and did not work.
Why did people put blood prints on doors?
People put blood prints on doors as a message that someone has died due to Black Death and lived in this house.
What fraction of Europe died?
That's around 75 million deaths.