Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V
Egeus has brought Hermia and her suitors to Theseus to...
What is to ask the Duke to command she marry Demetrius?
When he overhears the spat between Helena and Demetrius, he tells Puck to do this.
What is drop love potion in his eyes so he will fall in love with Helena?
Puck transforms Bottom's head into this and causes the other actors to do this.
What is gives him the head of a donkey, causing the other actors to flee in fear and confusion?
At the end of Act IV after waking and meeting with the Duke, Bottom brings this news to his colleagues.
What is they will be performing before the Duke and he has something to add to the end of the play?
What does Oberon tell the fairies to do to all of the couples?
What is bless their beds.
If Hermia doesn't marry Demetrius, her choices are to...
What is that she be executed or live the life of a nun?
Puck makes this mistake in administering the love potion.
What is he puts the potion in Lysander's eyes, mistaking him for Demetrius due to the Athenian clothing?
When Hermia wakes to find Lysander gone and encounters Demetrius, she thinks Demetrius has done this.
What is killed Lysander?
The other actors say this about Bottom now that he is missing.
What is that he is irreplaceable and valuable to the group?
The comments from the couples as they watch the play serve to do this
What is to reinforce the humor of the play through their explanations?
Lysander indicates that Demetrius...
What is wooed Helena only to abandon her for Hermia?
Hermia insists that Lysander sleep away from her to preserve these.
What are her purity and her reputation?
Hermia believes Helena has done this.
What is stealing her love Lysander?
Oberon chooses to release Titania from the love potion's spell for these reasons.
What is because he's gotten the changeling boy and because he's jealous of Titania's affections toward Bottom?
Theseus says this about the story the lovers tell
What is that it must have been a dream...because love can make you think and do strange things?
Lysander and Hermia plan to do this.
What is meet in the woods and run far away to get married?
Titania won't allow Oberon to have the changeling boy for this reason.
What is because the child belonged to her servant who died in childbirth?
Bottom suggests they do this to keep the ladies from becoming frightened when the lion roars.
What is have Snug's face visible and write a prologue explaining that he's not really a lion?
When confronted by the Duke, Demetrius gives this reason for his presence in the woods.
What is that he followed Lysander and Hermia to prevent them from fleeing only to fall in love with Helena?
Hippolyta believes this of the lovers' story.
What is that it's solid and consistent, leading her to believe there is more going on than fantasies?
The actors will meet here the following night.
What is in the woods near where Hermia and Lysander are to meet?
Oberon tells Puck to make a love potion from a flower called "love-in-idleness". The potion will do this
What is make Titania fall in love with the first thing she sees?
When Hermia confronts Lysander about mocking Helena, he says this.
What is he isn't joking...he hates her and loves Helena?
Lysander explains his presence by saying this.
What is he planned to run away to marry Hermia?
Philostrate insists that the Duke not view the play for these two reasons.
What is because it is too short and the actors are unskilled?